
Scribbler Robot

  • Anthony Richardson

    The Scribbler robot programming software doesn't
    recognize com0com ports as "real" com ports.  Is there
    a com0com setting that will make the port appear
    to be a "real" com port?

    I've tried low (com2) and high (com7) port names with
    no luck.  I've also tried passing the port name as a
    command argument, but the robot software says the
    port is not valid.

    I am not sure how the robot software determines which are
    valid serial ports.  I intend to post to the Scribbler
    forum to see if anyone has any idea, but I thought I would
    post here to see if I am missing some com0com setting.

    Tony Richardson

    • Vyacheslav Frolov

      The com0com's ports have

        Class = CNCPorts
        ClassGUID = {df799e12-3c56-421b-b298-b6d3642bc878}

      but the robot software requires that the serial ports have

        Class = Ports
        ClassGUID = {4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

    • Tony Richardson

      Tony Richardson - 2008-08-12

      Thanks. Does that meant that I am out of luck or could
      changing those values for CNCA0 in the CurrentControlSet
      of the registry possibly work?


    • Vyacheslav Frolov

      You can "deceive" the robot software this way:

      1. With the "Add/Remove Hardware" wizard install new
         standard serial port. You don't need a real serial
         hardware to do it. Select non conflicted IO/IRQ
      2. With the "Device Manager" disable the newly created
         port (let it be COM4).
      3. With the "Setup Command Prompt" for com0com install the
         pair of ports, were one of them has name COM4. Ignore
         warning about the COM4 is "in use" (press Continue).


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