
Cannot share a port

  • HagueB

    HagueB - 2009-11-06

    I'm trying to share a port so that it can be used either by a local application, or over the network. It will never be used by both at once. 
    I have three COM ports, COM5 which is real and two virtual ones, COM6 and COM7. If I share it with `hub4com.exe -baud=9600 -route=0:all -route=1:0 \\.\COM5 \\.\CNCB0 \\.\CNCB1` then COM6 works and COM7 doesn't. If I share it with `hub4com.exe -baud=9600 -route=0:all -route=2:0 \\.\COM5 \\.\CNCB0 \\.\CNCB1` then COM7 works and COM6 doesn't. If I then try to use both fully with  `hub4com.exe -baud=9600 -route=0:all -route=1,2:0 \\.\COM5 \\.\CNCB0 \\.\CNCB1` then it partially works, as I can get some data, but it then stops working. It seems to be something to do with flow control, as adding the option `-no-default-fc-route=2:0` causes COM6 to work, and COM7 to partially work. 
    I think the application is using Xon/Xoff flow control as I was seeing messages about that with Portmon. All the ports are set with XON/XOFF: OFF.  
    I'm using 
    Is it possible to have flow control from two virtual ports without them interfering with each other? 

  • Vyacheslav Frolov

    > Is it possible to have flow control
    > from two virtual ports without them
    > interfering with each other?

    In general case it's not possible.

    > It will never be used by both at once

    For this case it's possible.

    > I think the application is using
    > Xon/Xoff flow control

    Check that enabled baud rate emulation and buffer overrun for all com0com ports (EmuBR=yes,EmuOverrun=yes).

    Try with option -octs=off.

    Other options that can help: -ox, -ix, -write-limit.

        hub4com -help=serial

  • HagueB

    HagueB - 2009-11-23

    Thanks, it's working now. It seemed to be the EMuBR=yes,EmuOverrun=yes and -octs=off options that did it.


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