agradave - 2022-06-02

Hi, I've just been experimenting with Hub4Com on Windows 11. I'm trying to take streaming input from a physical device and direct it to multiple apps at the same time. For the sake of discussion let's say the physical port is COM1. I have a some virtual port pairs set up with com0com (COM99<-->CNCB0 and COM98<-->CNCB1), and I've been using the following command line: > .\hub4com --baud=115200 \\.\COM1 \\.\CNCB0 \\.\CNCB1

I can open COM99 and get data, and then I can open COM98 and get data. But if I close COM99 then data from COM98 also stops. Also I cannot start COM98 on it's own... it shows just a few lines of data (maybe 100 to 200 bytes) and then halts. After more experimenting, it's apparent that the COM ports must be opened in the same order as the corresponding pair partners are entered on the command line, or they won't work.

Anyone else see this issue?