Jamberbee - 2021-06-01

I am building a python application (Windows) that needs to call com0com as a subprocess to setup virtual com port pairs that will then be used by the application. The com0com installation I have comes with setupc.exe, but I'm having trouble sending commands to it with python or calling it form any command line/terminal.

The first issue is that Window's UAC requires the user to manually allow the program to run because it is an "unknown publisher". I've tried setting the permissions of setupc.exe to full access, but this has not worked.

The second issue is that typing "setupc help" in a terminal as stated in the ReadMe file does not work (setupc : The term 'setupc' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program). I can't find a way to execute commands without first opening the provided command line application (setupc.exe). If I can't use com0com from any terminal other than the provided one, I don't know how to call it with a python subprocess.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.