
Why uses Com0Com an own Class?

  • Dominik Schmidt

    Dominik Schmidt - 2009-07-17

    Hello !

    I really like Com0Com but I have problems in several areas because Com0Com uses its own Device Class.
    So why are you using a special class?
    Or in other words ... Is there a way to let the user decide which class ComßCom uses for the ports?

    I know that there is a solution ( but I think this is a very confusing and complicated way.

    • Vyacheslav Frolov

      > So why are you using a special class?

      The standard class assigns first free COMx name to the each newly created port.
      So it does not allow
        - use names other then COMx;
        - pre-assign the name to a port before creating.


      With com0com's class you can say: "Create me the pairs COM10<->PORT0, COM11<->PORT1 ... COM19<->PORT9".
      With standard class you can only say: "Create me the pairs COM?<->COM?, COM?<->COM? ... COM?<->COM?".

      > Is there a way to let the user decide which class ComßCom uses for the ports?

      No. I plan to implement it when get some free time.

    • Dominik Schmidt

      Dominik Schmidt - 2009-07-18

      Hi !

      >With standard class you can only say: "Create me the pairs COM?<->COM?, COM?<->>COM? ... COM?<->COM?".
      I don´t think that this is a real disadvantage. Most applications are not able to use other ports then COM?. And you have ports up to COM255. I think this should be enough for the most situations :-)

      >No. I plan to implement it when get some free time.
      This would be great.


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