
#886 Watch muster creatures

GUI (151)

I was trying the public test build, watching a game in progress. Sometimes after the legion musters the newly mustered creature escapes and is left behind when the legion moves. See attachment.


  • Clemens Katzer

    Clemens Katzer - 2012-04-30
    • labels: 330529 --> GUI
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Clemens Katzer

    Clemens Katzer - 2012-04-30

    Well the recruit chit remains displayed on the hex, but it's not "escaped" from the legion. It's just a cosmetic problem that the chit remains visible on the hex where the legion was at moment of recruiting.

    I am aware of this "cosmetic" problem (noticed it shortly after implemented the watching), but I don't know an easy/good way to fix it.

    Technically, the chits remain visible, because "normally" they are cleaned up for each player on his board when his turn starts, but a spectator (watcher) does not have an own turn, so this step does not happen. BTW, in rare cases the recruit chits stay visible also for normal players

    You can press "C" (clear recruit chits, or select that item from phase menu), if they disturb too much.

    As said, I couldn't come up with an easy/nice fix. Either would "clear" all chits at begin of turn (first player), but then it's "unbalanced" -- for first player one sees them all the "player turns of that turn number thru", for last one only that one player's turn. Or clean them whenever one player's turn start? Rather short time visible then.

    Conceptually, the reason why this all is a problem, is caused by the fact how the recruit chits are handled/displayed: they are, in fact, not linked in any form to the legion they belong to (were recruited into), instead they are just "thrown" onto the hex of that legion, and painted separately (that's also the reason why the chit hides the size, and why it's not "easily possible" to fix that; and also, why in reinforcement in battle case, the recruited chit is displayed on the center of the hex, instead of centered on the reinforcing legion).

    It's afterwards not "easily" trackable to which legion (and thus, to which player) an existing recruit chit belongs, therefore selective cleanup for those of some player is not cleanly implementable.

    As proper correction (so I think), one would have to fix the recruit chit handling so that they are attached to the mustering legion and painted together with it; I remember once I even started some work into that direction, but it's not a simple task, and since it's more cosmetic than really impacting anything, it never came to completion.... if that were done, one could e.g. for the watcher clear chits "selectively" from the legions of a player whose turn is now starting.

  • Clemens Katzer

    Clemens Katzer - 2013-07-31
    • status: open --> open-remind
    • Group: -->
  • Clemens Katzer

    Clemens Katzer - 2013-07-31

    This should be checked again when the recruit chit problem is solved in general ( = does it look then also ok for spectator?).

    Setting to open-remind.


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