
Copyright Infringement Beast / News: Recent posts

0.2.5 is out!

CIB 0.2.5 has been released. Added requests are IP echo and host cache. Host cache still in preliminary stages of development. Be sure to send me your comments.

Posted by Drew Duncan 2002-02-02

Complaints and apologies

I'm complaining about the odd behaviour of sourceforge lately. When attempting to add a project release, I ended up with three instead. Now I have to add some arbitrary file to them just to be able to set the hidden. Hmmph. The things I put with. On a lighter note, CIB-0.2.4 is out. A few small features have been added. Check the changelog. Have fun!

Posted by Drew Duncan 2002-01-27

Please put down that rum and coke...

CIB 0.2.3 fixes some more bugs. Ain't that great?!

Posted by Drew Duncan 2002-01-23

Okay, CIB good to go.

I seem to have overlooked a few bugs. The 0.2.2 release should have them fixed.

Posted by Drew Duncan 2002-01-22

Mmm... delicious bugs.

I fixed some bugs in the CIB, it should work on Windows now.
While standing in the soda aisle, I realized I had always wanted to go skydiving, so I sat down there and made a list of things I always wanted to do.

Go skydiving.
Sit in the soda aisle of a grocery store.
Make a list.

I stood up, feeling much better.

Posted by Drew Duncan 2002-01-22

Take two placebos...

This is the second release of the CIB, it's got some minor changes. Have fun.

Posted by Drew Duncan 2002-01-17

Marky Mark and the Monkey Bunch

Planet of the Apes was not that great. Speaking of Planet of the Apes, the newest version of the Copyright Infringement Beast has been released. It is still quite crude, but try it out anyway and give me suggestions. (I mean, suggestions besides things like: 'this sucks', 'you suck', and so forth. You know, stuff that could actually help me. ;->)

Posted by Drew Duncan 2001-08-04

Lack o' files.

My sincere apologies to those who have recently visited this project. A number of factors (namely, sporadic access to the internet) have kept me from my duties as admin of this project. In less than a month, however, I will have 24 hour access to high speed internet, and then I will update the CIB. Check back then (August 20th)!

Posted by Drew Duncan 2001-07-18

This release isn't much.

The most recent (and only release) of the C.I.B. --the pre-alpha one -- is really not much of anything. It doesn't really give an idea of how the whole system works, and it __doesn't__ work. It only makes the list of MP3's in the given path and sets up the configuration file. That's all. Sorry, I'm lazy. But, I promise I'll put a new version soon, and it will actually do something. (And, all this type of information will be included in the README file :-P .)
Despite the utter uselessness of this release, this page has had about 60 page views since. Wow. That's a lot (from my perspective). Keep checking back and more will come soon.

Posted by Drew Duncan 2001-06-18