
Using City Game tracker for the sig

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi, I'm trying to use City Game tracker, large pic, to make it my signature on the boards (EU ones). The picture generated seems to be OK for both size and weight but it doesn't work... Do you have any clue ?

    The present UBB code I have to display the picture as my sig is "[image][/image]".

    Am I making a mistake somewhere ?

    Thx already for your answer !

    • pudds

      pudds - 2006-02-12

      Well, that's the proper link, so I'm guessing its once of two things (I can't test, since I'm not registered on the EU boards):

      On the US boards, we're not allowed to have images in signatures, only in the avatar.  I notice that the FAQ over there indicates you *can* have them in signatures, but I also notice that no one does, so I'm not sure.

      The second thought is the tag you're using.  Alot of UBB style boards (of which they are) use [img] instead of [image].

      Hopefully one of those will work.  If not, I'd try messaging a moderator, or you might be stuck with just the avatar, like we are :(

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Had the same problem. I had a talk with the mod about this and it's basically not allowed to post images in your sig. The FAQ is just misleading concerning this issues. Nothing wrong with your UBB code


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