
Tree [r90] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 adapter 2008-12-28 rolfbrugger [r45] webct adapter removed
 cms 2009-06-21 rolfbrugger [r83] doc updated
 csdata 2008-12-27 rolfbrugger [r41]
 img 2009-01-21 rolfbrugger [r71] admin interface now based on smarty template
 ims-blti 2011-04-20 rolfbrugger [r88] IMS Basic LTI adapter added
 lang 2009-03-30 rolfbrugger [r79] option added that allows students to see the so...
 smarty 2011-06-29 rolfbrugger [r90] encoding of all web pages changed to utf-8
 tinymce3 2009-03-06 rolfbrugger [r74] TinyMCE updated to Version 3.2.2
 README.txt 2009-03-18 rolfbrugger [r77] preliminary version of summary
 aai.php 2011-06-29 rolfbrugger [r90] encoding of all web pages changed to utf-8
 casestudy.php 2010-10-25 rolfbrugger [r86] various minor fixes to support PHP v5.3.2
 csadmin.php 2010-10-25 rolfbrugger [r86] various minor fixes to support PHP v5.3.2
 cslib.php 2011-04-20 rolfbrugger [r88] IMS Basic LTI adapter added
 cstools.php 2009-01-01 rolfbrugger [r51] student templates created
 demo.php 2011-06-29 rolfbrugger [r90] encoding of all web pages changed to utf-8
 ext.php 2011-06-29 rolfbrugger [r90] encoding of all web pages changed to utf-8
 ims-blti.php 2011-06-29 rolfbrugger [r90] encoding of all web pages changed to utf-8
 settings.php-sample 2011-06-29 rolfbrugger [r90] encoding of all web pages changed to utf-8
 stal.php 2011-06-29 rolfbrugger [r90] encoding of all web pages changed to utf-8

Read Me


Change Log:
Version 1.01
  - the files 
    were removed from the distribution and replaced by *-sample files. This makes it easier to
    update to a new version of the case study tool without overwriting the cusomized files.
  - TinyMCE updated to version 3.2.2

Version 1.00 - Jan 2009

Case Study Tool Configuration

SOAP/WSDL Configuration
In the file wslib.php edit $wsdl_root (and probably all the other $wsdl_* variables) to point to the webservices of your Vista server. Notice that in order to work with the PHP5 SOAP library, the wsdl files must not contain any comment tags ("<documentation>", "<wsdl:documentation>", <annotation>)

Content Editor Configuration

Technical Concepts

Page Workflow:
- A user enters the case study tool via one of the pages webct_auth.php / moodle_auth.php / standalone_auth.php , depending on what environment the case study tool is associated to.

- In the *_auth.php pages the later required parameters (user name, case study ID, etc. ) is extracted from cookies, get-parameters, post-parameters, soap-sessions etc. and written to a common set of session variables.

- Then casestudy.php is included. All further processing (form-actions, links) is handled in casestudy.php

Session Variables:
  userID*           unique ID in class. The id may only consist of characters
                    that can be part of a filename (i.e. md5 hash value of
                    the user name).
  userFirstName     first name of current user.
  userLastName      last  name of current user.
  isTeacher*        integer set to "1" if the current user is a teacher. 
                    "0" otherwise.
  studentList*      array of all students of a class.
                    The student list is only needed if the current user is
                    a teacher (userIsTeacher==1)
                      array of 
                        assciative array with 
  courseID*         unique course ID. The id may only consist of characters
                    that can be part of a filename (i.e. a hash value).
  courseTitle       optional course title.
  casestudyID*      unique case study ID. The id may only consist of characters
                    that can be part of a filename (i.e. hash value of case
                    study title).
  casestudyTitle    optional case study title.

  Note 1: variables marked with '*' are mandatory.
  Note 2: courseID concatenated with casestudyID must be overall unique. If 
  they are not, different classes will be working on the same case study.