
Coffeearc / News: Recent posts

New bugfix release 0.55b

A new version is out which fixes some important bugs regarding encrypted archives and general archive updating.

Posted by abesting 2009-04-28

New version 0.54b released

Changes in version 0.54b 2009/04/23

- Added archive encryption support

Posted by abesting 2009-04-24

New version 0.53b released

Changes in version 0.53b 2009/04/09

- Fixed possible compression of files that should be stored
- Fixed bad working stop button
- Improved exception handling during compression
- Improved console output

Posted by abesting 2009-04-09

Project relocated and new version released (0.52a)

A new version is available which now supports the use of pipes as an alternative interface for compression tools. Furthermore, I relocated the Coffeearc project to

Posted by abesting 2009-04-06

New bugfix release

A new Coffeearc version is available (0.51a) which should run more smoothly. I fixed some bugs regarding archive modification.

Posted by abesting 2009-03-29