

Pina Palmieri

test Shared Drawing tool

test the shared drawing tool after the integration with xmpp:

  • in the test with the extra step we have tested the functionalities of the tool;
  • in the test with the session we have tested the functionalities of groups, etc.

We have conducted the test both for TCP and XMPP. 0

extra step

  1. CreateRequest?
    1. the server creates a rounded rectangle
    2. pina creates an ellipse
    3. pina creates a triangle
  2. ConnectionCreateRequest?
    1. the server creates a connection between the recxtangle and the ellipse
    2. pina creates a connection between the ellipse and the triangle
  3. ChangeItemColorRequest?
    1. pina change the color of the ellipse
    2. the controller changes the color of the rectangle
  4. EditItemTextRequest?
    1. the controller edit the text of the trectangle
    2. pina edit the test of the ellipse
  5. delete
    1. the controller deletes the conenction between the triangle and the ellipse
    2. pina deletes the triangle
  6. MoveRequest?


  1. receives everything
  2. create a circle and a connection

the server reload the trace - ok

test with session

  1. test groups
    1. visibility tool durign the step - ok
    2. visibility tool after the step - ok
  2. realoading trace - ok


Wiki: Tests