
Release 4.1 The CoFFEE after

Pina Palmieri

Imported from wikispaces

Milestone - Version 4.1 "The CoFFEE after"

Due on : January 20th 2009
Released on: January 21th 2009


Before installing the "The CoFFEE after" version, make sure you

  • uninstall the previous versions (by choosing "Uninstall" in the menu) AND
  • back up files in the CoFFEE directory (by default "\Programs\CoFFEE") like sessions you created or logs/traces
  • delete the directory where you installed the program (by default "\Programs\CoFFEE")

Please, be sure to back up files like sessions you created or logs/traced of experiments before deleting the installation directory!
Finally, sessions previously designed with the previous version x.y can be opened and modified with the CoFFEE Session Editor and are still compatible for playing with the CoFFEE Controller.


  • Embedding the new tool (Documentbrowser Tool and browser Tool ) in the CoFFEE
  • Hebrew version of CoFFEE
  • Monitoring student level of activity (initial proposal)
  • Introduction of the "fully anonymous" behaviour (limited to chat and threaded chat)

Major features

  • Embedding the new tool (Documentbrowser Tool and browser Tool ) in the CoFFEE
    • the new tools will appear as traditional coffee tools (no additional installation is required)
    • the activity of each student is traced (but is not replayed, since these tools are private)
    • the Internet Browser tool works also in "follow-me" mode, synchronizing all the browser to the page shown by the teacher.
  • Hebrew version of CoFFEE
    • in collaboration with the team from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • An initial proposal to the monitoring of the level of activity of each student
    • on the student console, tracing the quantity of interactions
    • no semantics of actions attached... i.e., "crazy" typing is considered activity :-)
  • Introduction of the "fully anonymous" behaviour (for chat and threaded chat)
    • the teacher cannot see the names of the students and the report (PDF/RTF/HTML) does not bring information about the names of the contributors
    • the identity is, however, still present in the traces/logs
    • This modality is only on demand, and is activable by the teacher on-demand.
    • Requested by ICATT

Minor features

  • Change the name of "Step 1", "Step 2" etc. in "1", "
    • in long sessions (with many steps) you can only see a (non descriptive) sequence of "S", "S"...
  • Doc on "What's new in 4.1"
    • not possible to update the doc in time, only the description of the new features

Work in progress

  • Interactive activation of tools
    • possible to launch interactively a tool, external to the steps, configured at run-time
    • it is not frozen and always active (or deactvable on request)
    • it is a sort of a "parallel" underlying activity to the session (like, e.g., minute-making, decisions annotation, etc.)
    • but can also be useful for dealing with unplanned (in the session) events, like.. "we better discuss this a little bit more, anonymously.. "
    • possibility to start an "empty" session, i.e. made only of interactive tools


  • In the French, Dutch Spanish version, a few English strings are present.
  • The Hebrew version is an experimental version

Known limitations and/or bugs

Major bugs

  • Browser Tool:
    • Managing the users in the group: it does not change the user in the group choosen form teacher
    • Reload of the session: in the synchronous mode, it does not show all web pages shown by the teacher
    • Frozen previous step: the browser tool doesn't freeze the previous step
    • Tracing the student activity: The message is not correct when a client clicks on a address from a Web Page and in the synchronous mode the messages of the clients doen't present in the trace file.
    • In the Discusser component, the field of the home page address doesn' t display the url of the current document
  • Chat Tool
    • in the mode full anonymous behaviour, in the status bar, the label does not update.
  • Document browser
    • The activities (back, forwards...) of each client don't leave a trace inthe trace log file.


The CoFFEE Controller, Discusser, Class Editor, Session Editor, Lesson Planner and Replayer are available in one bundle as
Window MultiLanguage (English, Italian, Dutch, French,Spanish and (experimental) Hebrew) version

  • Full Installer

and download the installer at Release 4.1 ("The CoFFEE after") .