

Pina Palmieri
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Ec-CoFFEE logo

Ec-CoFFE plugin

This is the official homepage of the Ec-CoFFEE plugin. Ec-CoFFEE plug-in is a set of synchronous collaboration tools for Eclipse that is built on the top of the CoFFEE framework ( The collaboration does not require a server, but (because of firewalls) is based on local area networks. Among the tools: threaded discussion tool, graphical tool, drawing tool, co-writer, internet explorer, document browser, CollabXMind, positionometer (votation tool), chat, ....

Ec-CoFFEE adds a new menu to the main menu bar, allowing the user (while using the traditional Eclipse functionalities to support the development of the software) to:

  • Launch a Server or a Client (pre-requisite to begin with the collaboration),
  • launch a tool (only the server can launch the tool),
  • load a discussion previously saved,
  • stop the Server/Client (when the collaboration is over).

When a tool is launched, it can be configured on-fly, by using the functionalities the tool itself exposes. A wide variety of different configurations can be obtained, such as anonimity of contributions, etc. for each tool.


Free EPL

Development Status

ISISLab, Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni "R.M. Capocelli", Universita' di Salerno

Quick Preview

Click here to see some installed tools in the Ec-CoFFEE plugin.


In the following screenshot, on the right shows the situation shown to a user that is writing software and discuss with a threaded discussion tool with his/her colleagues. The CoFFEE tools are shown together with the Ec-CoFFEE Perspective (that includes java Editor, navigator Views, etc)

Overview Image

Development status

Latest Release

Previous Release


Wiki: Ec-CoFFEE_Release_5.0