

Pina Palmieri


In this page we collect the info about how to integrate the CoFFEE tools within Eclipse.


Tecnhical overview: CoFFEE Plug-in architecture

  • Create a New Plug-in Project, see documentation at PDE-intro

Update within CoFFEE project

  • Controller-side
    • In the Meta-Inf folder, added an export-package of the Dialog of InformationServer
    • Uncommented line code about "StartATool" action
    • In the SessionManager class, duplicated a new method (playInPDEAnExtraStep) about ID of the perspective of the EC-COFFEE plugin
    • Update of the to deploy phase
  • Client-side
    • In the Meta-Inf folder, file added an export-package of the Dialog of connection and View of the Client
    • In the Connection wizard class, create an instance
    • In the ClientSessionManager class, added a check about if the EC-COFFEE is running

When the controller runs, problem on the console view:

SEVERE: Impossible to get a reference to the core server shared object; impossible to send messages; play Step aborted;

Remove from Run -> Run Configurations, the following plugins:
- org.eclipse.jdt.apt.pluggable.core
- org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt
- org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.tool


  • RCPSessionPlayer
  • SessionClient
  • LeadCoreUtils


The EC-CoFFEE plug-in adds "EC-CoFFEE" Menu and menu items as

  • Server Start runs Information Dialog of the Controller
  • Client Start runs wizard Dialog for the connection
  • Tools runs Dialog to list the CoFFEE tools



  • Testing deployment, exporting, as folder to install in plugins folder of the Eclipse folder, the following plug-ins
    • LeadCoreUtils_1.0.0 and LeadCoreUtils.nl1_1.0.0
    • RCPSessionPlayer_0.4.0 and SessionPlayer.nl1_1.0.0
    • The CoFFEE tools (where xxx = graphical and chat for testing)
    • lead.xxxTool.common_1.0.0 and lead.xxxTool.common.nl1_1.0.0
    • lead.xxxTool.server_1.0.0 and lead.xxxTool.server.nl1_1.0.0
    • lead.xxxTool.client_1.0.0 and lead.xxxTool.client.nl1_1.0.0
  • SessionClient_0.4.0 and SessionClient.nl1_1.0.0
  • SessionEditor_1.0.0 and SessionEditor.nl1_1.0.0 (Why? => The Configuration dialog of each tool of ExtraStepView)
  • lead.logger_1.0.0
  • Server Stop runs the shut-down of the server
  • Testing chat, graphical tools

Current Situation: known bugs

  • EC-CoFFEE Deployement
    • The chat works, but the Server Stop action does not work more
    • One only client instance works fine.
    • More Instante of the same tool, raise an exception on ExtraStepView class on the focus method and when stop the server, each instance of the tool doesn't close when the Server Stop run.
    • The Server doesn't write trace and log files
  • CoFFEE Discusser
    • Problems when more clients run in CoFFEE
  • Dis/Enabled item (Server Start, Stop Server etc... ) of the EC-CoFFEE menu

[[Image(...)]] Notes:

  • ==Ec-CoFFEE plugin and Replayer application: "Extra Step" view doesn't visualize==

In the Replayer, the "Extra Step" view is sticky view, modify StickyViewManager class in "org.eclipse.ui.workbench" plugin and that doesn't permitt to visualize "ExtraStep" view in the EC-CoFFFEE. This plugin works deleting teh "replayer" from workspace.

  • ==Eclipse environment, build path problem: "A cycle is detected in the build path"==

In the eclipse workspace, problem arises: "A cycle is detected in the build path"....
Solution: from Window --> Preferences --> Java --> Compiler --> Building, setting circula Dependencies to Warning or Ignore

To do list in EC-CoFFEE

Major features

  • Create a new perspective or a pulldown list is added in the main Tollnar of the Eclipse workbench window.
  • Current situation: each tool cannot close own view
    • It must be possible close each tool, and re-run the same tool as latecomer
  • Automatic updates: add "Check for updates"

Minor features

  • Deployment: Server-side add the following folders : DocumentBrowser, LocalDocs
  • The teacher's contributors are marked by "Teacher"
  • Change name of the plug-in
  • The Streaming tools within CoFFEE project
  • Create templates of plug-ins

User Interface EC-CoFFEE

  • In the Eclipse workbench, a new menu (EC-CoFFEE) is added in the main Menubar or a pulldown menu is added in the main toolbar. (menu item are StartServer, Stop Server, Tools List, Start Client)
  • Server-side
    • The Information Dialog appears to the server
    • "Run a new Tool": a "switching the next step dialog" appears ... Imported from wikispaces
  • Client side
    • The client state view appears
  • General functionality
    • Only server-side, it is possible to lunch each tool
    • It is possible to lunch the same tool more times
    • Stop action => on the client side, also eclipse closes, server-side the tools are also running (Bug!!)

EC-CoFFEE crashing Eclipse!

  • Client-side: push "cancel" button of "connection wizard" => eclipse crashes
  • ** Server-side: when push "cancel" button of the InformationServer dialog, eclipse is closed Imported from wikispaces

Deployment: install a plug-in Manually

Screen Shot


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