Stress Test - Version 5.0 Isislab CoFFEE
Test n.1 on date: Jul 16th 2010
- Session
- see WarmUpCoFFEE_5.0.xml
- The steps of the session
- 1st step: Presence and Chat tools
- 2nd step: Presence and Threaded tools
- 3rd step: Presence and Threaded tools
- 4th step: Presence and Threaded tools
- 5th step: Presence and Threaded tools
- Group 1: Presence, Threaded and Note tools
- Group 2: Threaded tool
- 6th step: Presence, Threaded and Note tools
- 7th step: Presence, Co-Writer and Note tools
- 8th step: Empty Step
- 9th step:
- Group 1: Presence and Threaded tools
- Group 2: Presence, Threaded and private Threaded tools
- 10th step: Presence, Threaded, Chat and Note tools
- 11th step: Presence and Chat tools
- Bot rate
- Work load
- Medium (prevalence of Threaded tool)
- Scenario
- Clients: 12 (2 clients per PC)
- Session Time
- Start time: 14.09
- End time: 14.46
- 5 mins per step, except for the 4th and 5th steps which have limitations on messages, and 8th which is an empty step.
- Problems
- Disconnections:
- 1 client disconnected in step 1s, reconnected.
- 1 client disconnected in step 3
- 3 clients disconnected in step 10
- Notes
The test has been interrupted during the 11th step because of an energy black out.
- Trace file
- Final Report
- Session Time: 37 mins
- 8 clients alive at the end of the session (5 disconnected, 1 of them immediately reconnected)
Test n.2 on date: Jul 16th 2010
- Session
- see WarmUpCoFFEEGraphical_PositionometerTools_5.0.xml
- The steps of the session
- 1st step:
- Group 1: Presence and Graphical tools
- Group 2: Presence, Graphical and private Graphical tools
- 2nd step: Graphical tool
- 3rd step: Graphical tool
- 4th step: Graphical tool
- 5th step: Presence, Threaded and Positionometer tools
- Bot rate
- Work load
- Medium-heavy (prevalence of Graphical tool)
- Scenario
- Clients: 10 (2 clients per PC)
- Session Time
- Start time: 16.52
- End time: 17.22
- 6 mins per step
- Problems
- 1 client disconnected in last step
Trace file
- Final Report
- Session Time: 30 mins
- 9 clients alive at the end of the session (1 disconnected in last step)