I'm glad to inform you that CodeRepository v1.00-Beta-4 is out now. There are several changes compared to prior version such as:
- Better user interface by using JEDI
- Mimic Delphi2005 gutter and its syntax highlighter for Object Pascal code
- Move Category and Code Snippet to another branch by Drag-n-Drop (DnD)
- Embed Firebird Embedded Server into application with auto-extract and auto-cleanup feature... read more
CodeRepository will be refactored to increase it stability, scalability and easier to understand..
The fixes of v1 Beta 3, called v1.00-Beta-3-Patch-1 is out and ready to use.
Feel free to download, use it and don't forget to send your feedbacks or ideas.
Some fixes about undelivered syntax highlighter editor, better control sensing, database improvement and any other fixes are acomodate to this version.
Here we go, I've released both source and executable (rd party not included). Feel free to use and give feedback.
Thanks and regards,
Til now, I can't store files because of connection problem. I've followed step-by-step instructions about configuring CVS, but It was really frustated me..
With Putty and TortoiseCVS installed on Windows XP, connected on LAN, with firewalled and proxied network, I cant get my working environment.
Even, canot connect to CVS with error message : "unable to open connection to <address>. gethostbyname: unknown error".... read more