
CodePrinter / News: Recent posts

CodePrinter 1.0.3 released

You can now choose font and font size.

The stand-alone application now works with both
jdk1.3 and jdk1.4.

Posted by Michaela Behling 2004-08-13

CodePrinter 1.0.2 released

A stand-alone version has been added
"CodePrinter.lnk" is an example Windows
short cut. Just adjust the "javaw.exe" and
"codeprinter.jar" paths.

CodePrinter now checks for the fonts
"Courier New" and "Arial", because some printers had problems with Java's bold
monospace font.

Posted by Michaela Behling 2004-08-10

CodePrinter v1.0.1 released

- the zoom step has been increased
- pages are enumerated
- lines are not enumerated after a line

Posted by Michaela Behling 2004-07-26

Source available

CodePrinter's sources are now available. You can either download the source zip archive or connect to the project's CVS tree.

Posted by Michaela Behling 2004-07-22

Version 1.0.0 released

Here's the first release of CodePrinter's Eclipse 3.0 plugin.

- adds line numbers
- shows preview
- prints two pages on a single sheet
- bold keywords for .java, .xml, .html files
- print single or multiple documents

Usage: choose "Code Printer -> Print Code..." from the context menu for one or multiple source files.

Posted by Michaela Behling 2004-07-15