
Code Conjurer / News: Recent posts

Code Conjurer 2.0.0 released

With a complete re-write and switch from GPL to EPL as a license, we have made available the brand-new version of Code Conjurer as Eclipse update-site and as source code.

You can install Code Conjurer using the install mechanism of Eclipse via the following update-site:

The sources are available in the sourceforge svn repository of the project. Bugs can be reported using the bugtracker at the project's SF-site.

Posted by Werner Janjic 2011-08-04

Version 0.8 made publicly available

Code Conjurer, a tool for software reuse, has been made available in version 0.8 as GPL'd free software.

Please feel free to try it within your Eclipse development environment and provide us with feedback, bugreports and wishes.

Posted by Werner Janjic 2008-08-05