
src Merge Request #1: Pressure defined by a function for membrane elements (merged)



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Anthony McDonald wants to merge 2 commits from /u/wv-flexwec/codeaster/ to default, 2022-04-12

Dear Code Aster developers

I would like to see 1 commit from wv-flexwec/codeaster merged into codeaster-src.

I have added the functionality to use a following pressure defined by a function for membrane elements. This is a functionality I use frequently and hopefully can be of use to other code aster users.

The changes to te0435.F90 (and are based on functionality already present in te0486.F90.

The additions pass tests on all ssns115x and ssns116x test cases. I have also performed some tests that show the pressure generated from the function is as expected.

Best regards,

Commit Date  
[44163b] (defaulttip) by Anthony McDonald Anthony McDonald

test cases for pressure from function for membrane elements

2022-04-01 12:05:40 Tree
[2578fc] by Anthony McDonald Anthony McDonald

implementation of pressure from function for membrane elements

2022-03-30 13:18:15 Tree


  • codeaster

    codeaster - 2022-03-31

    Thank you for this merge-request.

    You have to change a testcase to pass in the new source code.
    In this case I think you can just change an existing testcase (ssns116c for example) and replace the scalar press by a constant function.

  • Anthony McDonald

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    I have changed ssns115a and ssns115d to replace the scalar pressure with a constant function and rerun these testcases. These both passed and I have attached the output files.

    I have used these cases as they use linear elements and this change-set is for pressure as a function on linear membrane elements only.

  • codeaster

    codeaster - 2022-04-01

    please add a revision with the changed testcases

  • Anthony McDonald

    I have added the altered testcases as ssns115g and ssns115h (based on ssns115a and ssns115d respectively) and refreshed the commits related to this merge request

  • codeaster

    codeaster - 2022-04-04

    ticket ID in our internal bugtracker: #31980
    (it will appear with this id in the changelog, probably next week)

  • codeaster

    codeaster - 2022-04-12

    Merged with success. Thanks again!

  • codeaster

    codeaster - 2022-04-12
    • Status: open --> merged

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