Menu v0.7 v0.7 has an all-new in-app browser for GAP help, along with many other improvements and fixes. The edition includes GAP 4.12.1.

Main new features include:

GAP built-in to is universal: supports M1 as well as Intel
The version of GAP built-in to is now 4.12.1, and includes the normalizinterface and cddinterface packages
Browse GAP help in the new built-in help viewer
The built-in help viewer styles GAP help with modern and responsive css
Help Viewer appearance can be tuned in Preferences
GAP help search results show up in the built-in Help Viewer when it is selected as active help viewer for GAP
Tour of is included
Autozooming ("zoom to fit") of XGAP sheets is now supported
Fit Poset Width to Window button added on XGAP poset sheets
Zooming and sizing of sheets is much more sensible in general
Maximizing GAP command window will try to preserve width unless it is under 80 columns
Command-; key will take you to the most recent GAP command window
Call Reread instead of Read on Option-Command-Shift O
Restyle Memory Usage panel to be smaller; hide details by default
Better support for touchbar
Improved handling of carriage return and backspace in GAP command window
Saving session in background should work much more reliably now

Posted by Russ Woodroofe 2022-10-22

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