Create, Read, Update and delete items.
BUT we need to discuss how we are going to do this: again, how open will the system be?
- Who can CREATE? -> Preferably anybody. However, this may have its downsides...
- Who can READ? -> Duh, anybody who subscribes to the course
- Who can UPDATE? -> If we are going to do a more wiki-like approach, then anybody can make changes to an item. Like with a wiki, it is crucial that all changes can be undone *easily* and by anybody. We would trust that in the long run the vast majority of the items would be correct and that vandals can't spoil every item.
- Who can DELETE? -> In Wikipedia only admins can delete articles. So even they don't have a anybody-can-do-anything-policy. A vote-based system may be abused with multiple accounts. Maybe the creator should be asked. But what if s/he is no longer an active member?