VPI/VCI numbers not really adaptable
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Although it seems to be possible to use the
co800_static_IP_v1.0.0_beta driver with different values
for the VCI and VPI, this is actually not working. Only
the ATM gateway is set up correctly.
The VCI/VPI values are also hardcoded in 5200pfw.c,
but they are hidden in 'packet02[]', byte 5 (VCI) and
byte 7 (VPI) in function 'send_pfw_commands_4()'.
The second place where the VCI/VPI values return
hardcoded is in the modified sarlib.c in the
CO800HEADER. AFAIK the ATM protocol requires each
packet to contain the VPI/VCI values for routing
purposes. The CopperJet 800 header seems to be similar
to an LLC header, which also contains the VCI/VPI fields.