
CNB Your Account / News: Recent posts

CNBYA status...

Hello all, unfortunately it has been quite a while since you have heard from me on CNB Your Account.

My current activities do not allow me to put the effort in the project that it deserves, being the #1 Your Account replacement for PHPNuke.

Therefore I have decided to hand over the project to some people that are willing to develop it further and invest time into a solid version controlled (SVN) codebase that will help thousands of PHPNuke admins all over the world.... read more

Posted by magnolia61 2008-07-08

CNBYA 5.0.0 alpha 1 released to our testteam!

We are glad to announce that we send out CNB Your Account 5.0.0 alpha 1 to (hopefully most of) our testteam.
After we will clear out the innitial bugreports we will build towards alpha 2, maybe an alpha 3 and then prepare for a public beta release.

So far reactions have been nice and enthusiast. Our main priority lies in making this module as compatible with different server comfigurations as possible. ... read more

Posted by magnolia61 2005-06-05

CNB Your Account goes sourceforge!

CNB Your Account goes sourceforge!
We have decided to start to use the awesome possibilities that sourceforge offers for an open-source software project like ours.

This will be our headquarters for bug-reports, support requests and feature requests.

Thank you for your support!
The CNB Your Account development team

Note: our support forum at ravenphpscripts will stay active for discussion. But please use this site at Sourceforge for bug reports and support requests. ( )

Posted by magnolia61 2005-03-29