
Welcome to Open Discussion

  • Martin Peylo

    Martin Peylo - 2010-01-27

    Welcome to Open Discussion

  • l!ttl3

    l!ttl3 - 2012-04-02


    I am trying to configure and launch a sample of CMPv2 server, but blocked at a step where it is needed to add PKI user.
    Could you please point me a right direction for my issue?

    I got the following errors while execution of the script:
    $ ./
    ./../bin/cmpserver-cl -createuser -country DE -organization NSN -unit PG RDE 324440 -commonname Martin Peylo
    SUCCESS init
    SUCCESS add random
    ERROR create and open certstore  - in FILE: cmpserver-cl.c, LINE 608, status=-3
    ERROR open certstore  - in FILE: cmpserver-cl.c, LINE 613, status=-3
    INFO: Creating PKI User COUNTRY:"DE" ORG:"NSN" UNIT:"PG RDE 324987" CN:"Martin Peylo"
    SUCCESS creating certificate
    ERROR storing the PKI User  - in FILE: cmpserver-cl.c, LINE 316, status=-1
    SUCCESS destroying certificate
    ERROR close certstore  - in FILE: cmpserver-cl.c, LINE 617, status=-1
    SUCCESS shutting down cryptlib

    ODBC connection works fine, I just checked it with isql tool.
    I am using Ubuntu 10.04.3 as a workstation.


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