
Status CMP&CS

In this moment I have ready this features for CMP&CS (

Manufacturing Rule is Ready

1.Plant, Lines & work center
1.1 Resource Type (same as Compiere)
1.2 Resource Manufacturing (here you can define any resource for Manufacturing "Plant, Production Line,Work Center , etc") this option is 100% integrated with Compiere 1.3 Resources

2.-Bill of Material & Formula
2.1 BOM & Formula
2.2 BOM & Formula Review (Implotion & Explotion)
2.3 Product Substitute (Same as Compiere)
2.4 Change Component (here you can deactivate, add, expire a componet based in another component)

3.-Routing & Process
3.1 Standard Operation (here you can define the standard operation for manufacturing this is linked to a Compiere Workflow node)
3.2 Maintenance Routing & Process (Here you can define the process to make a product.),This option is 100% integrated with Compiere Workflow
3.4 WorkFlow Editor (Same as Compiere, is used for moving Routing in a visual way)
3.5 Routing & Process Review (here you can see a Routing with its operations)

In Process in short for 4 to 8 weeks

Manufacturing Order & Repetitive Schedule
Cost Management based on Standard Costing (Labor, Overhead , Burden , SubContract)


In short:

currently we are working in a food for animalsfactory and we believe in two more months the system will be ready.We have Structures and we are using hierarchy of resources for handling Plants,Departments, Production Lines, work centers etc. On the other hand we are using the workflows to manage routing. The manufacturing orders arealmost ready. I think in around two more month the system will be ready to be published.

Victor Prez Jurez

Posted by Victor Perez Juarez 2004-06-08

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