
Installation on Windows XP

  • idiezma

    idiezma - 2006-02-02

    I try to install Kompiere Libero on Windows XP home, with the installer, everything seems fine. but the installer gets stuck into the 5/5 installation step. Can anybody help?

    • Henry

      Henry - 2006-02-02

      I get same problem!


    • Guido Laures

      Guido Laures - 2006-02-23

      The same with me. Trying to simply go on with the installation using the scripts results in connection errors for the database.
      Any help is highly appreciated!


    • Nicolas Sanchez

      Nicolas Sanchez - 2006-05-07

      And one more  ;-)

      I will try to explain a litle more (hoping it is really the same Pb) :

      I receive two Modal windows Err

      At the first step of Win kompiere install (jar -jar install-win.jar), in the begining of 5/5 step (i.e kompiere) i have two succesives modal windows witch are very too big for my screen. So i can't see if it's only a report, or a real failure, and witch one.

      So first : How could we see if all is right, or what to do, in order to continue this install. Could we put theses messages in a file log for example ( &err >> log ???)
      Could someone suggest a direction to look for (prehaps bad jdk and path environement install ?)

      And secund : I suggest to modified this behaviour for the futur

        Prints screens and more verbose explaination of this post could bee (soon) seen here : (http://) nicolas(dot)sanchez(dot)free(dot)fr/Divers/kompiere.htm

      Thank for any answer

    • Nicolas Sanchez

      Nicolas Sanchez - 2006-05-07

      I reply myself to my own answer : A valid path was missing to jar.exe.
      Others Pb occurs after that, but it will bee for an other days. I will take a break now ;-)

    • Nicolas Sanchez

      Nicolas Sanchez - 2006-05-08

      Next Pb is : "Secondary logon services is not running" in postgreSQL setup.
      Please have a look to my web page, where i describe the Pb (same @ than above).
      Tanks for help.

    • lakel kamel

      lakel kamel - 2006-10-17

      I have a same problem whith new vesion of Kompiere libero.
      Is not a serious work, if you have this type of problème at the begining, you can install this product to a final customer in a production environment safety.
      Postgres is the alone install which install well.

      Perhaps that all not really free ??
      If it's the case, have the courage to sale the product with a money licence.

      I'am very hungry ;-(


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