
Problems with Physical Inventory

  • Roberto Simoni

    Roberto Simoni - 2006-05-15

    Dear Sir,
    I am trying to post an Inventory count document but I get two different problems:

    The Material Transaction I get are for the Quantity book and not, as expected, for the difference between Quantity Count – Quantity Book.

    Pushing the Button “Not Posted” I get the message “No Application Server found”

    Can someone help me?

    Thanks in advance
    Roberto Simoni

    • Paulo Emerique

      Paulo Emerique - 2006-05-26

      Possibly you´re entering your inventory lines manually. There´s a bug that prevents the callout to populate qtybook accordingly. (it remains zero after selecting product).

      I have fixed this and can send you the class or java if you like. Drop me an email.


      Paulo Emerique


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