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The previous fix was too simple; it broke the playing of specified tracks from the contextual menu. Here's a new version of the tryPlaylist() handler from PlayArtistAlbum.scpt that works much better:

on tryPlaylist(pl, theArtist, theAlbum, theTrack, dstPl)
tell application "iTunes"
set oldShuf to (shuffle of pl)
set shuffle of pl to false -- otherwise tracks are copied to trax in random order!
set trax to (search pl for theAlbum only albums)
set shuffle of pl to oldShuf

    set any to false
    set played to false
    repeat with t in trax
        if theArtist is null or theArtist is \(get artist of t\) then
            \-- Add this track:
            if not any then delete tracks of dstPl
                duplicate t to dstPl
                set any to true
                set view of browser window 1 to dstPl
            end try
        end if
    end repeat

    if theTrack is not null then
        tell dstPl to play track theTrack
        set played to true
    end if

    if any and not played then my tryToPlay\(dstPl\)
    return any
end tell

end tryPlaylist