
Cannot enter data into forms after upgrade

  • John O'Donnell

    John O'Donnell - 2016-06-05

    I have been running for many years on Version 2.03 beta 6 and am trying to upgrade to Version 2.03 beta 8 by restoring the database on the new server and installing the new software version.
    It's mostly OK but when I add a new member I cannot enter new data into the forms (DOB, Address etc.). I seem to be able to edit existing fields for existing members though. Although I cannot add new data to empty fields even for existing members.

    I had to apt-get install php-pear as this was not already there, I couldn't see any configuration requirements.

    I had to copy the javascript files from /Clubdata2/javascript to /usr/share/javascript as my php installation was pointing there, so I was getting 404 errors ....

    I have tried using root MySQL user rather than clubdata to rule out privilege problems, but makes no difference.

    I am assuming that it is a local environmental issue, as nobody else seems to have reported any issues .......

    I have noticed that some of the code still seems to use calls to mysql_ rather than mysqli_ (or that's how it appears to a novice whilst doing a scan of the php files)



    But I imagine if this were the problem it would fail for everybody ....

    Any suggestions welcomed :-D


    Database: MySQL 5.5.49-0ubuntu0.14.04.1

    System: Linux 3.13.0-87-generic #133-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 24 18:32:09 UTC 2016 x86_64

    PHP: 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.17

  • John O'Donnell

    John O'Donnell - 2016-06-05

    In case it is relevant, I get these warning messages in the developer web console when I click on the Member Info tab:
    The page was reloaded, because the character encoding declaration of the HTML document was not found when prescanning the first 1024 bytes of the file. The encoding declaration needs to be moved to be within the first 1024 bytes of the file. index.php:145:0

    unreachable code after return statement jquery-1.3.2.js:2425:0

    Password fields present on an insecure (http://) page. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen.[Learn More] <unknown>

    Password fields present in a form with an insecure (http://) form action. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen.[Learn More] <unknown>

  • John O'Donnell

    John O'Donnell - 2016-07-01

    Looking at the source generated for the page it seems the maxlength for each input field is being set to the length of data it currently contains.
    So if the field is currently blank the maxlength is set to zero. Which stops the field being updated.
    If the field currently contains data I am able to update the field, as long as I do not try to increase the length of the data (e.g. I can change John to Jon but not John to Johnno).
    I would appreciate it if anyone else is using Beta V 2.08 if they could confirm whether they are experiencing this problem or not and what type of server they are running on, to help me narrow down whether it is application or environment specific.

  • Franz Domes

    Franz Domes - 2016-07-02

    Hi John,

    There must be a changement in php, as the code worked for quite a long time and I didn't change anything in the past time. To fix the problem please change in include/dbtables.class.php the two lines

    $size = $ft->max_length;


    $size = $ft->length;

    They are around lines 230 and 480.

    Hope it helps

    P.S.: I set the project to inactive as I don't have sufficient time anymore to support it activly. From time to time I will do some work on Clubdata, but I cannot guarantee anything.

  • John O'Donnell

    John O'Donnell - 2016-07-09

    that's done the trick :)
    Thanks a million! Much appreciated.


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