
Install problems

Help V2
John Hunt
  • John Hunt

    John Hunt - 2010-11-21

    I have installed Clubdata2 v5b.
    When I try for the login page I get - "The directories //style/newstyle/templates_c/ and //style/newstyle/cache/ must be writeable by the webserver ! Please change the access rights !"
    I have set the permisions on the 4 directories
    " - style/newstyle/templates_c/
       - style/newstyle/cache/
       - the directory defined by $DEST_HTTP_DIR
       - $DEST_HTTP_DIR/small "  to 777 but no change.

    Any advice please?

  • Franz Domes

    Franz Domes - 2010-11-21


    something seems to be wrong with your SCRIPTROOT.

    The error message should look something like
    "The directories /srv/www/htdocs/Clubdata2/style/newstyle/templates_c/ …."
    You see, the first part of your path is missing.

    Please check, that you have either commented SCRIPTROOT out in include/configuration.php like
        //define("SCRIPTROOT", "");
    or you have set it to the correct value. E.g.:
        define("SCRIPTROOT", "/srv/www/htdocs/Clubdata2");

    Hope it helps

  • jojoD

    jojoD - 2012-02-04

    I am having the same problem with Clubdata_V2.beta6 and SCRIPTROOT is commented out. The error is being thrown from LINKROOT: The directories C:/wamp/www//Clubdata2/style//templates_c/ and C:/wamp/www//Clubdata2/style//cache/ must be writeable by the webserver ! Please change the access rights !

    Anyway heypaulo who had the same problem decided to move the files being requested by the system from folder newstyle into the style folder, but then it gave another error after bringing up the index.php : 'getConfigEntry: Undefined index value for key Style

    I identified that the error is being thrown from  'function .php' file, (line: 1744) see also (line:404) the 'getconfigentry()' function. Any ideas?

  • Franz Domes

    Franz Domes - 2012-02-04

    Your style name is missing. Normally, the path should be C:/wamp/www/newstyle/Clubdata2/style//templates_c/
    The style name is configured by the database (Parameter 22 (Style) of the table 'Configuration'). Are you sure, you have successfully loaded the demo data to your database ?
    Note please, that for the moment only newstyle is supported !

  • Franz Domes

    Franz Domes - 2012-02-04

    Sorry the correct path is C:/wamp/www//Clubdata2/style/newstyle/cache/

  • jojoD

    jojoD - 2012-02-05

    I tried reinstalling the program, but the error still throws: C:/wamp/www//Clubdata2/style//templates_c/ and C:/wamp/www//Clubdata2/style//cache/ - not reflecting the true path. I must be missing something. I am not much of a programmer, let me confess, having trouble setting permission to template_c and cache. Is there anyway to have the install program set that during installation?… just a thought.

    I checked out the demo… really cool program, it would be nice for me to get it to work. Thanks.

  • jojoD

    jojoD - 2012-02-05

    Oh, I am working with clubdata_v2.beta6

  • Torrieborrie

    Torrieborrie - 2012-11-15

    I have installed v2 beta6 and v2 beta7 but both give the same error as above described.
    Even if I put the file direct under /var/www/Clubdata2 with no writeprotect at all I still get the message.
    Is there still action on this matter?
    Thanks in advanced.

  • Franz Domes

    Franz Domes - 2012-11-16


    can you please mail me the exact error message (with file paths) and the path where you installed Clubdata. You can also mail me your configuration file (please remove the password). So I can see what part is missing.


  • Torrieborrie

    Torrieborrie - 2012-11-18

    Hi Domes,
    I hope you can help.
    I 'm using Xubuntu 12.04LTS with 3.2.0-26-generic.
    On the same system runs a mythtv multimedia server with mysql 5.5.28 and apache2.2.22.
    The error i get is "The directories /style//templates_c and /style//cache/ must be writeable by the webserver ! Please change the access rights !".

    My configuration file /var/www/Clubdata2/include/configuration.php contains:

    * Clubdata Administration Modules
    * Contains classes to administer Clubdata.
    * @package Installation
    * @subpackage Installation
    * @license GNU Public License
    * @author Franz Domes <>
    * @version $Revision: 1.4 $
    * @copyright Copyright (C) 2009, Franz Domes

    configuration.php: Configuration of Clubdata2
    Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Franz Domes

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

    * Defines Root of HTML-Documents. This overwrites the global $_SERVER
    * Sometimes the php variable DOCUMENT_ROOT doesn't point to the correct directory
    * (Mostly when private home directories are used)
    * In this case, uncomment the following line and set SCRIPTROOT to the root directory
    * of Clubdata
    //define("SCRIPTROOT", "/var/www/Clubdata2/");

    * Defines the root of Clubdata2-Skripts relative to DOCUMENT_ROOT (or SCRIPTROOT)
    * Defines how to access Clubdata via the Browser.
    * LINKROOT is the directory relativ to your home directory of your homepage and should start with a slash (or backslash on Windows systems)
    define("LINKROOT", "/var/www/Clubdata2");

    * Defines Path ADODB library
    * If you don't have the following tools in a path defined by
    * include_dir in php.ini, you have to set the correct paths here !
    * The paths here are valid for the complete installation of Clubdata
    * (the tools are installed in the subdirectoy Tools)<BR>
    * The directories MUST end by a slash !!
    define("ADODB_DIR", "{$_SERVER}/Clubdata2/Tools/adodb/");

    * Defines Path PHP2EXCEL library
    * If you don't have the following tools in a path defined by
    * include_dir in php.ini, you have to set the correct paths here !
    * The paths here are valid for the complete installation of Clubdata
    * (the tools are installed in the subdirectoy Tools)<BR>
    * The directories MUST end by a slash !!
    define("PHP2EXCEL_DIR", "{$_SERVER}/Clubdata2/Tools/php2excel/");

    * Defines Path SMARTY library
    * If you don't have the following tools in a path defined by
    * include_dir in php.ini, you have to set the correct paths here !
    * The paths here are valid for the complete installation of Clubdata
    * (the tools are installed in the subdirectoy Tools)<BR>
    * The directories MUST end by a slash !!
    define("SMARTY_DIR", "{$_SERVER}/Clubdata2/Tools/Smarty-2.6.10/libs/");

    * Defines Path FORMSGENERATION library
    * If you don't have the following tools in a path defined by
    * include_dir in php.ini, you have to set the correct paths here !
    * The paths here are valid for the complete installation of Clubdata
    * (the tools are installed in the subdirectoy Tools)<BR>
    * The directories MUST end by a slash !!
    define("FORMSGENERATION_DIR", "{$_SERVER}/Clubdata2/Tools/formsgeneration/");

    * Name of index.php file.
    * Normally it should be called index.php
    * but sometimes the provider needs the extension .php5 to use PHP Version 5 (needed by Clubdata)
    * In this case you can rename index.php to index.php5 and change the constant INDEX_PHP to
    * index.php5
    define("INDEX_PHP", "index.php");

    * Path to store uploaded pictures
    * Where to store uploaded pictures<BR>
    * This directory is relative to {@link LINKROOT} and must exist and must be writeable by the webserver
    define('DEST_HTTP_DIR', 'logos/');

    * Maximum size of an upload in bytes
    define("MAX_SIZE_LIMIT", "500000");

    * Mime-types of allowed uploads, separated by comma WITHOUT spaces
    define("ALLOWED_UPLOAD_TYPES", "image/jpeg,image/pjpeg,image/png,image/gif,application/pdf");

    * Height of thumnails created from uploaded images
    define("MAXTHUMBNAILHEIGHT", "150");

    * Height of thumnails created from uploaded images
    define("MAXTHUMBNAILWIDTH", "150");

    * define type of database (only mysql at the moment)
    define("DB_TYPE", "mysql");

    * define database server
    define("DB_HOST", "localhost");

    * define name of clubdata database
    define("DB_NAME", "Clubdata");

    * define name of database user
    define("DB_USER", "root");

    * define password of database user
    define("DB_PASSWD", "****");

    * Prefix for database tables. All tables will begin by this prefix
    define("DB_TABLEPREFIX", "cd_");

    // Predefine $language. Will be overwritten by userdata a few lines later
    $language = "UK";

    * Define system type: UNIX or WINDOWS
    * This defines the type of your system where Clubdata runs. Path separators and directoy separators will
    * be choosen depending on the value.
    * Allowed values: UNIX and WINDOWS
    define("SERVER_SYSTEM_TYPE", "UNIX");

    * Define character set used
    * Be carefull when changing this parameter.
    * When you upgrade from an old version, you should leave it at
    * ISO-8859-1, else you can set it to UTF8.
    * Make sure you have created the database by using the correct
    * configuration files
    define("CHARACTER_ENCODING", "UTF8");

    /*                            DEMO MODE
    *  True of DemoModus should be used, false for normal use
    define("DEMOMODE", false);

    /*                            DEBUGGING
    * Constant, defining debug mode, value bit coded
    *     0000 = (0) = no debugging,
    *     0001 = (1) = debug to screen
    *     0010 = (2) = debug to file (@see DEBUGFILE)
    define("DEBUG", 2);

    * Constant, defining SQL debug mode (true, or false)
    define("SQLDEBUG", true);

    * Constant, defining Name of debugging file
    define("DEBUGFILE", "{$_SERVER}/Clubdata2/tmp/clubdata.log");

    * Constant, defining debugging of Smarty (true or false)
    define('SMARTY_DEBUGGING', false);

    * Constant, defining classes to debug:
    *     <b>MAIN</b>  debug main functions (like index.php)<br>
    *     <b>ADDRESSES</b> debug class addresses<br>
    *     <b>LIST</b> debug list<br>
    *     <b>DBLIST</b> debug class DBList<br>
    *     <b>AUTH</b> debug authentication<br>
    *     <b>SMARTY</b> SMARTY classes<br>
    *     <b>DBTABLE</b> debug class DBTABLE<br>
    *     <b>FORMS</b> debug formsgeneration class<br>
    *     <b>MEMBERINFO</b> debug class memberinfo<br>
    *     <b>M_PAYMENTS</b> debug module (and class) payments<br>
    *     <b>M_FEES</b> debug module (and class) fees<br>
    *     <b>M_ADMIN</b> debug module (and class) Admin<br>
    *     <b>M_JOBS</b> debug module (and class) Jobs<br>
    *     <b>M_SEARCH</b> debug module (and class) search<br>
    *     <b>M_MEMBER</b> debug module (and class) member<br>
    *     <b>M_MAIL</b> debug module (and class) mail<br>
    *     <b>M_QUERIES</b> debug module (and class) query<br>
    *     <b>M_HELP</b> debug module (and class) help<br>
    *     <b>M_LIST</b> debug module (and class) list<br>
    *     <b>CDDB</b> Clubdata Database interface<br>
    *     <b>M_CONFERENCES</b> debug module (and class) conferences<br>

    error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | /*E_NOTICE | /**/ E_CORE_ERROR | E_CORE_WARNING);
    ini_set('display_errors', false);

  • Torrieborrie

    Torrieborrie - 2012-11-18

    Hi Domes,
    Hereby my logfile.
    I hope you can make something out of it.
    Thanks in advanced.

    DEB0: : SQL before: SET NAMES 'UTF8'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SET NAMES 'UTF8'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: set character set UTF8<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: set character set UTF8<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT id FROM `###_Language`<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT id FROM `cd_Language`<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from `###_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>

    Error.setFatal(getConfigEntry: Undefined index value for key Style)% line  469, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php (function.php)
    getConfigEntry(Object:clubdata_mysql, Style)% line 1792, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php (function.php)
    getStyleFileLink(images/navigator.gif, )% line  113, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php (function.php)
    require_once(/var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php)% line   80, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/index.php (index.php)

    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from `###_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>

    Error.setFatal(getConfigEntry: Undefined index value for key Style)% line  469, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php (function.php)
    getConfigEntry(Object:clubdata_mysql, Style)% line 1792, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php (function.php)
    getStyleFileLink(images/mini-cross.gif, )% line  114, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php (function.php)
    require_once(/var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php)% line   80, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/index.php (index.php)

    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from `###_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>

    Error.setFatal(getConfigEntry: Undefined index value for key Style)% line  469, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php (function.php)
    getConfigEntry(Object:clubdata_mysql, Style)% line 1792, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php (function.php)
    getStyleFileLink(images/mini-pencil.gif, )% line  115, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php (function.php)
    require_once(/var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php)% line   80, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/index.php (index.php)


    Auth Object
         => Array

         => 1
         => mysql
         => localhost
         => root
         => mythtv
         => Clubdata
         => Array
                 => ###_Users
                 => ###_Members
                 => ###_Configuration
                 => ###_Log

         => Array
                 => 2592000
                 => /
                 => user
                 => 7200
                 => /Clubdata2/index.php
                 => ###_Users
                 => id
                 => Login
                 => PW_Login

         => 1

    VARIABLE: =======



         => Array

         => main

    DEB0: MODULE: main<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from `###_Configuration` where name='Startpage'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Startpage'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Startpage'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Startpage'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Startpage'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Startpage'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Startpage'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Startpage'<BR>

    Error.setFatal(getConfigEntry: Undefined index value for key Startpage)% line  469, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php (function.php)
    getConfigEntry(Object:clubdata_mysql, Startpage)% line  121, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/index.php (index.php)

    DEB0: MODFILE1: modules/main/main.php<BR>
    DEB0: MODFILE2: modules/main/main.php<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from `###_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from `cd_Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL before: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>
    DEB0: : SQL after: SELECT * from /* NO PREFIX */ `Configuration` where name='Style'<BR>

    Error.setFatal(getConfigEntry: Undefined index value for key Style)% line  469, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/function.php (function.php)
    getConfigEntry(Object:clubdata_mysql, Style)% line   37, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/clubdataSmarty.class.php (clubdataSmarty.class.php)
    ClubdataSmarty.ClubdataSmarty(Object:clubdata_mysql, UK)% line   61, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/include/cdbase.class.php (cdbase.class.php)
    CdBase.CdBase()% line   49, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/modules/main/main.php (main.php)
    CdMain.CdMain()% line  134, file: /var/www/Clubdata2/index.php (index.php)

  • Franz Domes

    Franz Domes - 2012-11-20

    Thank you for your configuration file an your error log.

    The lines "Undefined index value for key Style" shows me, that the database, especially the table cd_Configuration is not correctly loaded with the default values.
    Did step 6 (DBLOAD) of the installation routine terminate correctly ? Can you verify please, that there are entries in the table cd_Configuration ?

    Thank you !

  • Torrieborrie

    Torrieborrie - 2012-11-26

    Hi Domes,
    I have searched every possibilty i could think off but i could not find a step 6 (DBLOAD) or a cd_Configuration.
    Could you help me with some more hints? ;-)
    I'm not very familiair with mysql and apache2. I am lost when it doesn't work at ones.

    Thank you

  • Torrieborrie

    Torrieborrie - 2012-11-27

    Hi Domes,
    It seems that the mysql database isn't filled properly.
    When i look with MySQL Navigator there seems to be fields empty with are filled in the mythtv database.
    So it looks like the database is there but initial data seems missing or incomplete.
    I tried to load them again but i got the message ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 16: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'.
    When i use su authority there is no error but it fixes nothing.

  • Torrieborrie

    Torrieborrie - 2012-12-01

    Hi Domes,
    It seems i followed the wrong documentation file, Clubdata.pdf instead of ClubdataV2_beta.pdf.
    After i deleted the database and folow the instructions of http://yourhost/Clubdata2/Installation/install.php the problem was gone.
    Now i need to set up the database for the use for a diving club.
    Thanks voor the good work.


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