
ClubData2 website down, where to get installation docs?

Help V2
  • Mort

    Mort - 2015-11-26

    The website linked from the sourceforge home page,, had been not working for some weeks. I can't find any documentation to guide my install except the 2005 version in sourceforge. It clearly does not help with the current version, as the configuration.php file is in a new place, etc (that doc says it is in the include folder, now it seems to be in .the installation folder). Very confusing.
    Any suggestions?
    (I think I have figured out by reading the code that I have to edit configuration.php and put a copy in /include, so will try that and see.)
    Thanks, Mort

  • Mort

    Mort - 2015-11-26

    Follow up - thought I had most things sorted or guessed right, but can only get this on opening index.php:
    Cannot connect to database xyz_showmembers!
    Access denied for user 'xyz_show'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

    Is there a guide to errors, or does anyone recognise this? Cheers.

  • Franz Domes

    Franz Domes - 2015-11-29

    Hi Mort,

    Thank you for telling me, that is down. It is a database error and I am starting to recreate the site. The most important links are already working.

    You can find the documentation for installation in INSTALL.TXT. In fact Installation/install.php should guide you through the configuration steps.
    You are right, after creating Installation/configuration.php you have to copy it to include/configuration.php. This is a security feature, so you don't have to make include/configuration.php writeable to your web server.

    Please double check your configuration for accessing your database. Have a look at the parameter
    in include/configuration.php.

    Try to connect to your database via e.g. phpmyadmin using this parameter to check if everything is ok.

    Hope it helps

    • Mort

      Mort - 2015-11-30

      Thanks Franz.
      I have checked those entries for "DB_HOST", "DB_NAME", "DB_USER", "DB_PASSWD" and cannot find any problems. For DB_HOST on my other installations, the setting is always 'localhost", so I have left that as 'localhost' (I am running on a webhost that uses cPanel).
      What does the error message mean when it says "(using password: NO)" ? - I have never seen that before when having troubles setting up php/MySQL applications.


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