




Cloveriver is a subsystem of Clover that handling equipment reservation . It is separated from the Clover system because clover is currently a system designed for a single group or lab and contains sensitive data that your are not willing to share with other groups or labs, however, for equipment, it may be shared by several groups.


The installation is the same as the Clover system. Please refer to the Clover system installation page:

In brief,

  1. Clover requires a HTTP server with PHP and a MySQL server. XAMPP server contains all the necessary packages which can be used. It is recommended to use the newest version of XAMPP and run the security check for safety purpose. ONLY USE XAMPP 5.*. Clover will not work on XAMPP 7.*
  2. Copy the cloveriver folder to the HTTP server root folder. It will be "www", "htdocs", or something similar.
  3. Open "basics.php" file and change the value of public variables in the clover class according to your needs.
  4. It is recommended to use "" as your host address to avoid domain name resolving delay. Please do not forget to change the user name and the password settings for you MySQL server.
  5. On your HTTP server goto "". A register window will show up. After you register for the system, the setup is done. Accessing the setup page on non-localhost computers is not allowed. If the clover system already exist, the setup page is also prohibited. The first registered account will be system administrator (admin).

Your Cloveriver website is then setup and ready to use.

Account Setup

There are three types of accounts in Cloveriver:

admin: who can use and edit data and other users account type and information
user: who can use and edit data
*visitor: who registered but has not been proved to be a user and could not log into the system

To be a user, please visit the "index.php" page and click "New User" button. After this, please contact the admin to activate your account.

Account Activation

If you are an Admin, you can change other users' account type.

  1. Go to the "Roster" tab.
  2. At the row of the user you want to edit, click the icon with "a little man and an arrow".
  3. A popup window will show up, and choose the account type you need. Then, click OK.

IMPORTANT: admins need to change new users' account type from "visitor" to "user" or "admin". Otherwise, they cannot log in to the Cloveriver system.

Equipment User Group Account

For each piece of equipment, there is a user group. The equipment user group has three types of users (named Positions):

  • applicant: who has applied to use this equipment
  • member: who can reserve this equipment
  • manager: who can change the Position of a user in this equipment group, and can change the status of the equipment

To apply for and use an equipment:

  1. Goto the "Equipment" tab.
  2. At the row of the user you want to edit, click the icon with "a little man and an arrow".
  3. A popup window will show up, and choose OK.
  4. Let the equipment manager or an admin know that you have applied for this equipment. They need to activate your "user equipment position" to member or manager. Then, you can reserve this equipment (see below).

To change User Equipment Position:

  1. Goto the "User Rights" tab.
  2. In the search text box type the user's name or the equipment's name to find the user-equipment pair.
  3. Click the icon with "a man and a pencil".
  4. In the popup window, choose the position type you want.

IMPORTANT: If you are not the manager of this equipment, you cannot perform this action. Unless you are an admin--admin has all the rights in Cloveriver.

For details about using Cloveriver please refer to the "Help" tab.