
New CloverETL 4.0.0

Production release CloverETL 4.0.0 - contains all features of its 2 milestones and also:


  • Explicit metadata propagation
  • Secure paramers support in local projects
  • TableauWriter component
  • Open a running or finished job in Designer
  • Updated CloverDataReader and CloverDataWriter components
  • Loop support in ETL graphs, "Token logging" attribute of Loop
  • and more ...


  • Fixed SortWithinGroups losing records
  • Fixed exception when unregistering JDBC driver on JBoss
  • Fixed CTL2 performance issues in locale and timezone manipulation
  • Fixed EOF as delimiter not working for fixed length metadata
  • Fixed MongoDBWriter handling of null values
  • Fixed MongoDBWriter batch mode error handling
  • Fixed RunGraph component not supporting running jobs in separate JVM
  • Fixed CTL error reporting issues in ExtFilter
  • Fixed DB Lookup not accepting key longer than 10 digits
  • Fixed space preceding a * in wildcard mapping not reporting error in Designer or Runtime
  • Fixed FTP disconnect error not correctly reported
  • Fixed Server bundle not starting if path to its installation contained the space character


  • Additional graph parameters are set by Runtime (such as RUN_ID).
  • Removed special ZIP support in CloverDataReader and CloverDataWriter
  • Database connection shared by multiple components in graph does not perform commit if the graph fails.
  • Fixed DeleteFiles recursive delete deleting the whole sandbox if fileURL was empty
  • Removed "Export metadata to XSD" wizard
  • Removed "Export graphs" wizard
Posted by Jaroslav Urban 2014-11-13

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