
#52 Use tiled structure for button gradient


Like the stone tile structure, which is also available as a button gradient, would it be possible to allow all tiled structures to be used in this way.
Also, would it be possible to allow the strength of the stone gradient to be changed to match the strength of the stone tiled structure used for the window background


  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2012-07-03

    That's relevant because it'll eg. not always be possible to align the structure to the window, ie. lines might set off etc. So if you just wanted an empty frame that's not ideally done by using tiles as gradient substitution.
    If you just want a united brushed metal look (sigh...) that's already possible ;-)

    About the stone gradient: "theoretically" - there were two major reasons why i used a static strength.
    a) UNO - the decoration might have a different strength set than the application what would be visible
    b) gradients are used by random colors and if you eg pick large value for a dark background, that does not necessarily look too good on white as well.

  • beojan

    beojan - 2012-07-03

    Actually, I thought allowing the tiled structures to be button gradients would lead to the strength of the UNO gradient matching that of the window.

    In addition, it would allow me to use the same tiling in UNO and connected toolbar buttons as in the window
    This could also be implemented by using (optional) semi-transparent gradients for these, although that may cause problems when the colors are different

    I actually use the stone tiling and stone UNO, and the UNO tiling is considerably stronger than the window tiling (even though the contrast is set to 25%), though this may be because I use an inverted colors UNO.

  • beojan

    beojan - 2012-07-03

    Also, as a point of interest, how can you use brushed metal in UNO

  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2012-07-03

    - Have latest bespin r1571 or so
    - select some tile you like
    - in kwin decoration hints, check "also used tiled structure"

  • beojan

    beojan - 2012-07-03

    But that means I can't have an inverted colors titlebar / toolbar



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