
#159 Clonezilla fails with LVM from smaller disk to bigger disk


i have cloned a Linux machine (Debian 8) from an old disk (500GB) with LVM to a newer disk (2TB)
Clonezilla just did it (disk to disk) without errors (from defaults options i have only add icds option)
but after clone the new disk don't full boot
(Grub start, but after the screen become black... i think that there is some problem with LVM)

is this a bug or a my configuration error?


  • Giancarlo Giesa

    Giancarlo Giesa - 2021-09-12

    Additional info: it looks like there is a loop in the cloning but after the night it end.
    because it finish i'm not sure there is a loop

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2021-09-13

    Which version of Clonezilla live did you use?
    Have you tried the latest one, e.g., 2.7.3-19 or even the testing one, e.g., >= 2.8.0-3 or 20210907-*?


    • Giancarlo Giesa

      Giancarlo Giesa - 2021-09-18

      yes i did, i tried with last stable version and last testing version (, same result
      i think CloneZilla have some problem with LVM made by Debian

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2021-09-25

    How did you install Debian? Please show us the steps in detail, especially how you configure the LVM during installation, so that we can try to reproduce this issue. Thanks.


    • Giancarlo Giesa

      Giancarlo Giesa - 2021-09-27

      i installed Debian by DVD ISO with the default settings except for one:
      in installation partition mode i choice to use LVM as the photo attached

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2021-10-02

    I can not reproduce this issue.
    The steps I have done:
    1. Downloaded Debian Jessie amd64 iso file from:
    2. On VMware, I created a VM to install it. Two disks, one is 20 GB, and the other one is 80 GB.
    3. After the installation was finished, I booted Clonezilla live 2.8.0-9 amd64 iso, which is somehow newer than 2.8.0-3, but nothing about LVM cloning was updated.
    4. Did a disk to disk cloning, choose the default options in the expert mode, except -nogui was selected. I wanted to read more info on the screen.
    5. After the cloning was done, I removed the source disk 20 GB, kept on the 80 GB one. Change its SCSI ID to 0:0 in VMWare settings.
    6. Boot the VM, and it can successfully boot.
    Since I can not reproduce this issue, I have no idea how to fix it.
    One thing I'd like to know is, did you remove the source disk after the cloning is done? If you keep both of them in the same machine, your OS will be confused since there are more than one identical devices in the same machine.



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