
Clogger / News: Recent posts

Clogger 0.1c Released

Well I got all the blog configuration stuff working and updating so I am releasing a 0.1c release. The only think lacking from the administrative interface now is post deletion (and comment management). Everything else configuration and post related is working now. Keep checking the development tasks at to see how my progress is goin ;)

Posted by Clint Ecker 2003-05-08

The problem with templates...

I found out what was happening to the post templates. When I output the contents of the post template (which contains IT variables wrapped in curly braces), I think that PHP tried to evaluate the contents of the variable (PHP evaluates stuff within curly braces). This causes the variables to disappear and then when you update the config they're gone for real ;)

The current solution is to replace curly braces with '(%' and ')%' before dumping it into the textarea and then converting them back to curly braces before putting the data back into the DB. Users for now will have to use variables like... read more

Posted by Clint Ecker 2003-05-08

Configuration Editing... now occuring within the administration app, however, somewhere along the line a change is taking place to the post templates which make IntegratedTemplate puke and not show any of the posts. This will most likely be working by tonight ;)

Posted by Clint Ecker 2003-05-05

Clogger 0.1b Released

I released the app now that post editing/previewing and adding is all working, it should give people a little more feel for the app.

Posted by Clint Ecker 2003-05-02

Post adding

Post adding works now, I hope to release a 0.1b package later this week once dead week/finals die down. I am almost done with the basic admin interface backend ...then I start adding cool stuff, features and polishing the system up.

Posted by Clint Ecker 2003-04-30

Post Editing Works

I've got post editing working. yay me ;)

Posted by Clint Ecker 2003-04-28

My Goals For This Project

What are my goals for this project?

1. Clean, Readable Source Code

2. Easy to Read Documentation. I want anyone who is mildly proficient and acquianted with OOP to be able to extend the project

3. Seperation of Logic and Presentation to the extent where it makes coding easy, but not to the extent that it makes maintaining the project a burden. I hope to make extensive use of the PEAR's IntegratedTemplate classes (I already am! :))... read more

Posted by Clint Ecker 2003-04-28

What Am I Doing Here?

Not much to see right now. I've released an ALPHA version of the software to give people an idea of what might be to come. I should really stress that this software doesn't do much of anything right now and is in a very fluid state. Download it and poke around and check out how I'm building the interfaces and such, I'd love to hear feedback and comments from people!.

My goal here is to build a very easy to use and non-intrusive CMS. I use moveabletype for my own blog
( and I love it, however, I've run into cases where creating static files can be problematic and the security issues the the application exposed (in non-suexec environments) is sometimes unacceptable. I've also checked out Serendipity and Textpattern and I don't like how either have built their code base (its a personal preference really) and I didn't really like how some things were implemented. So I've decided to write Clogger! :D I really hope this to be a successful idea and I hope it helps a lot of people out :)

Posted by Clint Ecker 2003-04-28