From: Paolo A. <am...@mc...> - 2004-04-05 18:39:59
When trying to build CLUnit from the latest CVS sources with CMUCL 18e under Debian Woody, I get the error shown in the transcript below. The transcript also shows the error I get when manually compiling clunit.lisp, which has no dependencies on other CLOCC software, and loading the resulting fasl. Paolo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- paolo@plato:~/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit$ make system /home/paolo/src/clocc/bin/run-lisp -i /home/paolo/src/clocc/clocc-top -i clunit.system \ -x '(funcall (intern "COMPILE-SYSTEM" :mk) "clunit")' ; Loading #p"/home/paolo/src/clocc/clocc-top.x86f". ; Loading #p"/home/paolo/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit/clunit.system". ; Loading #p"/home/paolo/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit/clunit.system". ; Python version 1.1, VM version Intel x86 on 05 APR 04 08:27:46 pm. ; Compiling: /home/paolo/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit/clunit.lisp 08 JUN 01 04:08:13 pm ; Converted T-FUNC. ; Compiling DEFUN T-FUNC: ; Converted NIL-FUNC. ; Compiling DEFUN NIL-FUNC: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Compiling DEFCLASS TEST: ; Compiling DEFCLASS TEST: ; Compiling DEFCLASS TEST: ; Compiling DEFCLASS TEST: ; Compiling DEFMETHOD PRINT-OBJECT (TEST T): ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Converted CLEAR-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN CLEAR-TESTS: ; Converted REMOVE-TEST. ; Compiling DEFUN REMOVE-TEST: ; Compiling DEFMETHOD INITIALIZE-INSTANCE :AFTER (TEST): ; Compiling DEFMETHOD RUN-UNPROTECTED (TEST): ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Compiling Creation Form for #<KERNEL::CLASS-CELL TEST>: ; Compiling DEFMETHOD RUN-PROTECTED (TEST): ; Converted TEST-OR-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN TEST-OR-TESTS: ; Converted FAILED-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN FAILED-TESTS: ; Converted RUN-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN RUN-TESTS: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Converted FILTER-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN FILTER-TESTS: ; Converted RUN-CATEGORY. ; Compiling DEFUN RUN-CATEGORY: ; Converted RUN-ALL-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN RUN-ALL-TESTS: ; Converted FORM-TO-FN. ; Compiling DEFMACRO FORM-TO-FN: ; Converted DEFTEST. ; Compiling DEFMACRO DEFTEST: ; Converted LIST-CATEGORIES. ; Compiling DEFUN LIST-CATEGORIES: ; Converted LIST-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN LIST-TESTS: ; Converted RUN-NAMED-TEST. ; Compiling DEFUN RUN-NAMED-TEST: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Compilation aborted after 0:00:00. ; Compilation unit aborted. ; 1 fatal error make: *** [system] Error 1 paolo@plato:~/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit$ cmucl ; Loading #p"/home/paolo/.cmucl-init.lisp". CMU Common Lisp 18e, running on plato With core: /opt/cmucl-18e/lib/cmucl/lib/lisp.core Dumped on: Thu, 2003-04-03 15:47:12+02:00 on orion See <> for support information. Loaded subsystems: Python 1.1, target Intel x86 CLOS 18e (based on PCL September 16 92 PCL (f)) * (compile-file "clunit.lisp") ; Python version 1.1, VM version Intel x86 on 05 APR 04 08:28:31 pm. ; Compiling: /home/paolo/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit/clunit.lisp 08 JUN 01 04:08:13 pm ; Converted T-FUNC. ; Compiling DEFUN T-FUNC: ; Converted NIL-FUNC. ; Compiling DEFUN NIL-FUNC: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Compiling DEFCLASS TEST: ; Compiling DEFCLASS TEST: ; Compiling DEFCLASS TEST: ; Compiling DEFCLASS TEST: ; Compiling DEFMETHOD PRINT-OBJECT (TEST T): ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Converted CLEAR-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN CLEAR-TESTS: ; Converted REMOVE-TEST. ; Compiling DEFUN REMOVE-TEST: ; Compiling DEFMETHOD INITIALIZE-INSTANCE :AFTER (TEST): ; Compiling DEFMETHOD RUN-UNPROTECTED (TEST): ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Compiling Creation Form for #<KERNEL::CLASS-CELL TEST>: ; Compiling DEFMETHOD RUN-PROTECTED (TEST): ; Converted TEST-OR-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN TEST-OR-TESTS: ; Converted FAILED-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN FAILED-TESTS: ; Converted RUN-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN RUN-TESTS: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Converted FILTER-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN FILTER-TESTS: ; Converted RUN-CATEGORY. ; Compiling DEFUN RUN-CATEGORY: ; Converted RUN-ALL-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN RUN-ALL-TESTS: ; Converted FORM-TO-FN. ; Compiling DEFMACRO FORM-TO-FN: ; Converted DEFTEST. ; Compiling DEFMACRO DEFTEST: ; Converted LIST-CATEGORIES. ; Compiling DEFUN LIST-CATEGORIES: ; Converted LIST-TESTS. ; Compiling DEFUN LIST-TESTS: ; Converted RUN-NAMED-TEST. ; Compiling DEFUN RUN-NAMED-TEST: ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; ; ; File: /home/paolo/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit/clunit.lisp ; In: DEFTEST "test1" ; (DEFTEST "test1" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass1" :TEST-FN ...) ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G0) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () (EQ # 'A)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "test-2" ; (DEFTEST "test-2" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass1" :INPUT-FN ...) ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G0) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () '(A)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA (X) (EQ # 'A)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "test-3" ; (DEFTEST "test-3" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass1" :INPUT-FN ...) ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G0) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () '(A)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () 'A) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA (X) (CAR X)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "meta" ; (DEFTEST "meta" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-meta" :INPUT-FN ...) ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G0) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () (REMOVE-TEST "test1")) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () (VALUES T 0 2)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA (X) (DECLARE #) (RUN-CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass1")) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "test1" ; (DEFTEST "test1" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass2" :INPUT-FN ...) ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G0) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () (VALUES 'A '#)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () '(A B)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'CONS ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "meta2" ; (DEFTEST "meta2" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-meta" :INPUT-FN ...) ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G0) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; In: DEFTEST "meta2" => DEFTEST "Error test" ; (DEFTEST "Error test" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass3" :TEST-FN ...) ; --> LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G2) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () (REMOVE-TEST "Error test") (ERROR "Dummy error")) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "meta2" ; #'(LAMBDA () (DEFTEST "Error test" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass3" :TEST-FN ...)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () (VALUES NIL 1 0)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA (X) (DECLARE #) (RUN-CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass3")) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "testx" ; (DEFTEST "testx" :CATEGORY "CLUnit" :INPUT-FORM ...) ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G0) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () 'A) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'CAR ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "testx2" ; (DEFTEST "testx2" :CATEGORY "CLUnit" :INPUT-FORM ...) ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G0) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; #'CAR ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "testx3" ; (DEFTEST "testx3" :CATEGORY "CLUnit" :INPUT-FORM ...) ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G0) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () '(1 2 3)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA (&REST LISTS) (CAR LISTS)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "testx4" ; (DEFTEST "testx4" :CATEGORY "CLUnit" :INPUT-FORM ...) ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G0) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () (VALUES '# '#)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA (&REST LISTS) (APPLY #'VALUES LISTS)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "meta5" ; (DEFTEST "meta5" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-meta" :INPUT-FN ...) ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G0) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; In: DEFTEST "meta5" => DEFTEST "Error test" ; (DEFTEST "Error test" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass4" :TEST-FN ...) ; --> LET PUSH SETQ CONS ; ==> ; #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> ; Error: Cannot dump objects of type (FUNCTION (T T) (MEMBER NIL T)) into fasl files. ; ; --> LET PUSH SETQ ; ==> ; (CONS #<Function EQUAL {10030E49}> #:G2) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () (REMOVE-TEST "Error test") (ERROR "Dummy error")) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "meta5" ; #'(LAMBDA () (DEFTEST "Error test" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass4" :TEST-FN ...)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA () (VALUES 1 "Error test")) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'(LAMBDA (X) (DECLARE #) (RUN-CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass4") (VALUES # #)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; In: DEFTEST "test-2" ; (DEFTEST "test-2" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass1" :INPUT-FN ...) ; ==> ; (LET (#:G0 #) ; (PUSH :DESCR #:G0) ; (PUSH "test-2" #:G0) ; (WHEN #:G1 # #) ; ...) ; Note: Deleting unused function ; "Top-Level Form" ; ; In: DEFTEST "test-3" ; (DEFTEST "test-3" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass1" :INPUT-FN ...) ; ==> ; (LET (#:G0 #) ; (PUSH :DESCR #:G0) ; (PUSH "test-3" #:G0) ; (WHEN #:G1 # #) ; ...) ; Note: Deleting unused function ; "Top-Level Form" ; ; In: DEFTEST "meta" ; (DEFTEST "meta" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-meta" :INPUT-FN ...) ; ==> ; (LET (#:G0 #) ; (PUSH :DESCR #:G0) ; (PUSH "meta" #:G0) ; (WHEN #:G1 # #) ; ...) ; Note: Deleting unused function ; "Top-Level Form" ; ; In: DEFTEST "test1" ; (DEFTEST "test1" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-pass2" :INPUT-FN ...) ; ==> ; (LET (#:G0 #) ; (PUSH :DESCR #:G0) ; (PUSH "test1" #:G0) ; (WHEN #:G1 # #) ; ...) ; Note: Deleting unused function ; "Top-Level Form" ; ; In: DEFTEST "meta2" ; (DEFTEST "meta2" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-meta" :INPUT-FN ...) ; ==> ; (LET (#:G0 #) ; (PUSH :DESCR #:G0) ; (PUSH "meta2" #:G0) ; (WHEN #:G1 # #) ; ...) ; Note: Deleting unused function ; "Top-Level Form" ; ; In: DEFTEST "testx" ; (DEFTEST "testx" :CATEGORY "CLUnit" :INPUT-FORM ...) ; ==> ; (LET (#:G0 #) ; (PUSH :DESCR #:G0) ; (PUSH "testx" #:G0) ; (WHEN #:G1 # #) ; ...) ; Note: Deleting unused function ; "Top-Level Form" ; ; In: DEFTEST "testx2" ; (DEFTEST "testx2" :CATEGORY "CLUnit" :INPUT-FORM ...) ; ==> ; (LET (#:G0 #) ; (PUSH :DESCR #:G0) ; (PUSH "testx2" #:G0) ; (WHEN #:G1 # #) ; ...) ; Note: Deleting unused function ; "Top-Level Form" ; ; In: DEFTEST "testx3" ; (DEFTEST "testx3" :CATEGORY "CLUnit" :INPUT-FORM ...) ; ==> ; (LET (#:G0 #) ; (PUSH :DESCR #:G0) ; (PUSH "testx3" #:G0) ; (WHEN #:G1 # #) ; ...) ; Note: Deleting unused function ; "Top-Level Form" ; ; In: DEFTEST "testx4" ; (DEFTEST "testx4" :CATEGORY "CLUnit" :INPUT-FORM ...) ; ==> ; (LET (#:G0 #) ; (PUSH :DESCR #:G0) ; (PUSH "testx4" #:G0) ; (WHEN #:G1 # #) ; ...) ; Note: Deleting unused function ; "Top-Level Form" ; ; In: DEFTEST "meta5" ; (DEFTEST "meta5" :CATEGORY "CLUnit-meta" :INPUT-FN ...) ; ==> ; (LET (#:G0 #) ; (PUSH :DESCR #:G0) ; (PUSH "meta5" #:G0) ; (WHEN #:G1 # #) ; ...) ; Note: Deleting unused function ; "Top-Level Form" ; ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; ; ; File: /home/paolo/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit/clunit.lisp ; In: DEFTEST "Test compare-fn" ; #'AND ; Error: Found macro name AND as the argument to FUNCTION. ; ; (REDUCE #'AND (MAPCAR #'STRING-EQUAL RLIST1 RLIST2)) ; Note: The first argument never returns a value. ; ; (MAPCAR #'STRING-EQUAL RLIST1 RLIST2) ; --> LET LET DO-ANONYMOUS BLOCK LET ; ==> ; RLIST1 ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; #'STRING-EQUAL ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; (REDUCE #'AND (MAPCAR #'STRING-EQUAL RLIST1 RLIST2)) ; Note: Deleting unreachable code. ; ; Compiling DEFTEST "Test compare-fn": ; Compiling DEFTEST "Test compare-fn": ; Compiling DEFTEST "Test compare-fn": ; Compiling DEFTEST "Test compare-fn": ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Compilation unit finished. ; 14 errors ; 54 notes ; clunit.x86f written. ; Compilation finished in 0:00:01. #p"/home/paolo/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit/clunit.x86f" T T * (load "clunit") ; Loading #p"/home/paolo/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit/clunit.x86f". Warning: ORG.ANCAR.CLUNIT also exports the following symbols: (RUN-NAMED-TEST REMOVE-TEST FAILED-TESTS CLEAR-TESTS RUN-CATEGORY DEFTEST LIST-CATEGORIES RUN-ALL-TESTS LIST-TESTS) Error in function C::DO-CALL: Attempt to reference undumpable constant. Restarts: 0: [CONTINUE] Return NIL from load of "clunit". 1: [ABORT ] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) (C::DO-CALL #<Code Object "Top-Level Form" {48600D87}> 25 26 4 ...) Source: Error finding source: Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists: target:code/byte-interp.lisp. 0] backtrace 0: (C::DO-CALL #<Code Object "Top-Level Form" {48600D87}> 25 26 4 ...) 1: (COMMON-LISP::FOP-FUNCALL-FOR-EFFECT) 2: (COMMON-LISP::LOAD-GROUP #<Stream for file "/home/paolo/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit/clunit.x86f">) 3: (COMMON-LISP::FASLOAD #<Stream for file "/home/paolo/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit/clunit.x86f">) 4: (COMMON-LISP::INTERNAL-LOAD #p"clunit.x86f" #p"/home/paolo/src/clocc/src/tools/clunit/clunit.x86f" :ERROR :BINARY) 5: (LOAD "clunit" :VERBOSE NIL :PRINT ...) 6: (INTERACTIVE-EVAL (LOAD "clunit")) 7: (COMMON-LISP::%TOP-LEVEL) 8: (COMMON-LISP::RESTART-LISP) 0] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Why Lisp? |