I am using Allegro CL 6.2.
I have som troubles using the xml-stream-in class.
org.cons.clocc/sds/cllib(24): (xml-read-from-file "test1.xml")
Error: While computing the class precedence list of the class
named fundamental-character-input-stream.
The class named fundamental-character-input-stream is a forward referenced class.
The class named fundamental-character-input-stream is a direct
superclass of the class named fundamental-character-input-stream.
[condition type: program-error]
The debugger tells me that the class xml-stream-in doesnt get finalized
because of the forward reference status of fundamental-character-input-stream.
The doc tells me that fundamental-character-input-stream is an
non-instantiable mixin class. I dont see anything wrong with this.
<URL: http://www.franz.com/support/documentation/6.2/doc/pages/classes/excl/fundamental-character-output-stream.htm>
thank you,
Torkel Holm