
Cloak and Dagger Messenger System / News: Recent posts

Beginning work on version 0.9.0 of CDMS (Hermes)

Beginning work on the complete rewrite of the Cloak and Dagger Messenger system. For now, the only developer is the projects admin. The new version which will be 0.9.0 and version 1.0.0 when it reaches maturity is codenames Hermes. It was though easier to recal and remmember.

Currently, no downloads other then a graphical representation of the schema has been released. dbsetup.plx has been reverted to a command-line only version, as it was deemed much simpler to work with and easier to restrict. Over the course of the next few weeks, additional command-line tools will appear as needed, followed by the addition of a user registration process. ... read more

Posted by Martin Foster 2000-03-05

Release of Cloak and Dagger Messenger System

After having won the 25th Tri-Annual DeVry ( Student Exposition, it was decided that the source should be released for all to see and use as they see fit. The license used in development has never changed as a result, the GNU public license is used throughout the code.

Any and all code, documentation et cetera, for the current version (0.4.0) can be accesed through out main page ( read more

Posted by Martin Foster 2000-02-28

Looking for C programmer for Key Management

The current release of the Cloak and Dagger messenger system lacked key management due to a few quirks in GPG. Essentially you were able to import or export with only the use of a passphrase passed though a pipe... However this did not work for key signing, trust assignment and even removal.

This project is currently looking for a C programmer willing to write the necessary key management software. The ability to make it directly into a Perl module would be an added benefit but the developer of the current system simply wishes to add key management functionality in one form in the other, which implies that calling a 3rd party program would be accepted.

Posted by Martin Foster 2000-02-26