
CLIPS Rule Based Programming Language / News: Recent posts

Italian Translation of User's Guide

An Italian translation of the CLIPS User's Guide has been contributed by Baldassarre Cesarano. It can be downloaded at

Posted by Gary Riley 2024-06-14


A Spanish translation of the CLIPS User's Guide and an example CLIPS/Swift application have been contributed by David Martínez Suárez. They can be downloaded at

Posted by Gary Riley 2024-05-21

CLIPS 6.4.1 Released

Bug fixes and project updates for CLIPS 6.4.1 are available for download.

Posted by Gary Riley 2023-04-21


CLIPSiOS 6.4, a set of iOS example apps for CLIPS, is available for download. The download disk image file, clips_ios_640.dmg, is located at Files/CLIPS/6.40. It includes three examples of CLIPS iOS apps (Animal Identification, Car Engine Diagnosis, and Wine Recommendation). Instructions for building and running the app are in the file instructions.pdf included within the .dmg file.

CLIPS iOS demonstrates techniques for building a CLIPS framework, use of Auto Layout to create a universal interface, running the CLIPS engine in a stateless mode (thereby removing complex rule logic to undo fact assertions), and saving the app state.

Posted by Gary Riley 2021-06-10

CLIPS 6.40 Released

CLIPS 6.40 includes the following changes:

  • A redesigned C Application Programming Interface
  • Wrapper classes and example programs for .NET and Java
  • New Integrated Development Environments with Unicode support for Windows and Java
Posted by Gary Riley 2021-05-01

CLIPS 6.31 dotNetCore

CLIPS dotNetCore is a wrapper of dotnet core v3.1 for CLIPS v6.31. A Visual Studio 2019 solution with four sample projects is available for download on GitHub and SourceForge.

Posted by Gary Riley 2020-10-26

CLIPS 6.31 Released

Bug fixes and project updates for CLIPS 6.31 are available for download.

Posted by Gary Riley 2019-08-07

CLIPS 6.40 Beta Release 3

A beta version of CLIPS 6.40 is available for download. It incorporates the following changes:

  • A redesigned C Application Programming Interface
  • Wrapper classes and example programs for .NET and Java
  • New Integrated Development Environments with Unicode support for Windows and Java

Beta release 3 incorporates the following changes:

  • Object pattern matching optimizations
  • Documentation updates
  • Pretty print functions accept optional logical name argument
  • Added chdir, external-addressp, and void functions
  • Bug fixes
  • Other minor code changes
Posted by Gary Riley 2018-08-24

FuzzyCLIPS 6.31

The FuzzyCLIPS source code has been updated for CLIPS 6.31 compatibility and is available on GitHub.

Posted by Gary Riley 2018-02-28

FuzzyCLIPS 6.24

The FuzzyCLIPS source code has been updated for CLIPS 6.24 compatibility and is available on GitHub.

Posted by Gary Riley 2018-02-23

CLIPS 6.40 Beta Release 2

A beta version of CLIPS 6.40 is available for download. It incorporates the following changes:

  • A redesigned C Application Programming Interface
  • Wrapper classes and example programs for .NET and Java
  • New Integrated Development Environments with Unicode support for Windows and Java

Beta release 2 incorporates the following changes:

  • Fix for Unicode display and crash issues in debugging panes in Windows IDE
  • Fixes for compiler warnings/errors
  • Other minor code changes
Posted by Gary Riley 2018-01-21

CLIPS 6.40 Beta Release 1

A beta version of CLIPS 6.40 is available for download. It incorporates the following changes:

  • A redesigned C Application Programming Interface
  • Wrapper classes and example programs for .NET and Java
  • New Integrated Development Environments with Unicode support for Windows and Java
Posted by Gary Riley 2017-12-05

CLIPS iOS Beta v0.2

Beta Release Version 0.2 of CLIPSiOS, a set of iOS example apps for CLIPS, is available for download. The download disk image file, clips_ios_020.dmg, is located at Files/CLIPS/6.30. It includes 3 examples of CLIPS iOS apps. Instructions for building and running the app are in the file instructions.pdf included within the .dmg file.

Version 0.2 adds the wine example program and updates for XCode 7.3 and iOS 9.3.1.

Posted by Gary Riley 2016-05-02

New CLIPS Web Site

The new CLIPS web site is at Downloads, discussion forums, and the subversion repository are still hosted on SourceForge.

Posted by Gary Riley 2016-02-16

CLIPS .NET Beta v0.1

Beta Release Version 0.1 of CLIPSNET, a set of .NET example applications for CLIPS, is available for download. The download file,, is located at Files/CLIPS/6.30. It includes a Common Language Runtime wrapper for the native CLIPS code and four example applications, each built using Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation projects. Instructions for running the programs are in the file instructions.pdf located within the .zip file.

Posted by Gary Riley 2015-08-13

CLIPS Java Native Interface Beta v0.5

Beta Release Version 0.5 of CLIPSJNI, a Java Native Interface for CLIPS, is available for download. It includes 4 examples of a CLIPS program integrated with Swing GUIs. Instructions for running the programs are in the file Instructions.pdf included within the .zip file. This is primarily a "proof of concept" release to demonstrate basic techniques for integrating CLIPS with a GUI.

Version 0.5 includes stateless versions of the animal and auto examples, makefiles for creating self contained jar files, support for Ubuntu, package name changes, loadFromString and loadFromResource methods, and improvements to PrimitiveValue and its subclasses.

Posted by Gary Riley 2015-06-13

CLIPS iOS Beta v0.1

Beta Release Version 0.1 of CLIPSiOS, a set of iOS example apps for CLIPS, is available for download. The download disk image file, clips_ios_010.dmg, is located at Files/CLIPS/6.30. It includes 2 examples of CLIPS iOS apps (animal and auto). Instructions for building and running the app are in the file instructions.pdf included within the .dmg file.

Version 0.1 demonstrates techniques for building a CLIPS framework, use of Auto Layout to create a universal interface, running the CLIPS engine in a stateless mode (thereby removing complex rule logic to undo fact assertions), and saving the app state.

Posted by Gary Riley 2015-05-05

CLIPS Common Gateway Interface Beta v0.1

Beta Release Version 0.1 of CLIPSCGI, a set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) examples for CLIPS, is available for download. The download file,, is located at Files/CLIPS/6.30. It includes 3 examples of CLIPS programs integrated with a web front end using CGI in conjunction with Perl. Instructions for running the programs are in the file clipscgi.pdf included within the .zip file.

Posted by Gary Riley 2015-04-19

CLIPS Java Native Interface Beta v0.4

Beta Release Version 0.4 of CLIPSJNI, a Java Native Interface for CLIPS, is available for download. It includes 4 examples of a CLIPS program integrated with Swing GUIs. Instructions for running the programs are in the file Instructions.pdf included within the .zip file. This is primarily a "proof of concept" release to demonstrate basic techniques for integrating CLIPS with a GUI.

Version 0.4 includes support for the CLIPS 6.30 release and 64 bit support for Windows and Mac OS X.

Posted by Gary Riley 2015-03-26

CLIPS 6.30 Released

CLIPS 6.30 includes the following changes:

  • Performance Improvements – Rule performance has been improved particularly
    in situations with large numbers of fact/instances or partial matches.
  • 64-bit Integers – Integers in CLIPS are now represented using the “long long”
    C data type which provides a minimum of 64 bits of precision.
  • Reset after Clear – A reset command is now performed after a clear command
    (which includes the clear command issued internally by CLIPS when it is
    started). Since no user constructs will be present after a clear, the primary
    effect of this behavior is to create the initial-fact and initial-object.
  • Pattern Addition – The initial-fact and initial-object patterns are no
    longer used in triggering rules. When printing partial matches, the *
    symbol is used to indicate a not or exists pattern that is satisfied.
  • Module Specifiers – A module specifier can be used in expressions to
    reference a deffunction or defgeneric that is exported by a module, but
    not specifically imported by the module which is referencing it.
  • Instance Name and Class Visibility – Instance names now have global scope
    and must be unique regardless of their module. Instances of classes that
    are not in scope can be created if the module name is specified as part
    of the class name. Messages can be sent to instances regardless of whether
    the instance class is in scope.
  • Command Prompt – Local variables bound at the command prompt using the
    bind function persist until a reset or clear command is issued.
  • MicroEMACS Editor – The built-in editor is no longer supported.
  • Help Functions – The help and help-path funtions are no longer supported.
  • Printout Function – The deprecated use of the symbol t as a substitute
    for the crlf symbol is no longer allowed.
  • Command and Function Changes - The matches command and open function
    have modified behavior.
  • New Functions and Commands - The foreach and operating-system functions
    have been added.
  • Behavior Changes - A defgeneric redefinition warning is no longer printed
    when a defmethod is defined.
Posted by Gary Riley 2015-03-26

CLIPS 6.3 User’s Guide

The CLIPS 6.3 User’s Guide, written by Dr. Joseph C. Giarratano, is available for iBooks. Visit this link for more information.

Posted by Gary Riley 2015-01-06

CLIPS on Android

Two ports of CLIPS to Android are available: CLIPS4Android and DROID-CLIPS.

Posted by Gary Riley 2013-12-02


Modified version of CLIPS 6.24 with lock support for safely handling simultaneous access:

Posted by Gary Riley 2013-01-23