

  • Nimix

    Nimix - 2013-02-03

    where is the Problem?


    (deftamplate type_network(field ?number )
    (slot check_ip(type ip))
    (slot check_ping(type ping))
    (slot check_name(type name))
    (slot check_address(type address))
    (slot check_driver(type driver))
    (slot check_NIC(type NIC))
    (slot check_setnet(type set))
    (slot check_fire(type fire))
    (slot check_source(type source))

    ;rule 1:

    (defrule basic ""
    (printout t "what is problem(software , hardware)? " crlf
    "1:Ip nadarim ?" crlf
    "2:etesal ghat mibashad ?" crlf
    "3:exit" crlf
    "choose 1-3 ->")
    (bind ?number(read))
    (assert (type_network(number ?number)))

    ;rule 2:
    (defrule chk_ip ""
    (type_network(number ?number& 1))
    (printout t "start - control panel - network and sharing"crlf
    "check ip have ?(y or n)")
    (bind ?type ip(read))
    (assert (check_ip(type ip ?ip)))

    ;rule 3:

    (defrule chk_ping ""
    (check_ip(typeip ?typeip& y))
    (printout t "start - run - cmd - ping" crlf
    "reply bood?(y/n)") crlf
    (bind ?type ping(read))
    (assert (check_ping(type ping ?ping)))

    ;rule 4:
    (defrule chk_name ""
    (check_ping(type ping ?ping& y))
    (printout t crlf crlf crlf "roye my Computer rast click nemude,spas ghesmate propertist=>change setting =>tabe computername =>gozineye change =>name Workgroup ra taein mikonim"crlf
    "workgroupe in system ba mabaghi,barabar bood ?(y/n)")
    (bind ?type name(read))
    (assert (check_name(type name ?name)))

    ;rule 5:
    (defrule chk_address ""
    (check_name(type name ?type name& y))
    (printout t crlf crlf crlf "start - run - cmd - getmac"crlf
    "check kon mac address?(y/n)")
    (bind ?typeaddress(read))
    (assert (check_address(type address ?address)))

    ;rule 6:
    (defrule chk_driver ""
    (check_address(type address ?address& y))
    (printout t crlf crlf crlf"start - control panel - divice and printer - divice manager"crlf
    "check kon driver?(y/n)")
    (bind ?typedriver(read))
    (assert (check_driver(type driver ?driver)))

    ;rule 7:
    (defrule nochk_driver ""
    (check_driver(type driver ?driver& n))
    (printout t crlf crlf crlf "not found")

    ;rule 8:
    (defrule chk_NIC ""
    (check_driver(type driver ?driver& y))
    (printout t crlf crlf crlf "start - control panel - devise and printers - device manager"crlf
    "check kon NIC ?(y/n)")
    (bind ?typeNIC(read))
    (assert (check_NIC(type NIC ?NIC)))

    ;rule 9:
    (defrule nocheck_NIC ""
    (check_NIC(typeNIC(type NIC ?NIC&n))
    (printout t crlf crlf" NIC is disabale"))

    ;rule 10:
    (defrule chk_set ""
    (check_NIC(type NIC ?NIC& y)
    (printout t crlf crlf crlf "start - control panel - device and printers - device manager")crlf
    "check kon network ?(y/n)")
    (bind ?typeset(read))
    (assert (check_setnet(type set ?set)))

    ;rule 11:
    (defrul chk_set ""
    (check_setnet(type set ?set& n))
    (printout t crlf crlf "device is disable")

    ;rule 12:
    (defrule chk_fire ""
    (type_problem(type set ?type set& y))
    (printout t crlf"start - control panel - windows firewall"crlf
    "check windows firewall is it on?(y or no)" )
    (bind ?typefire (read))
    (assert (ck_fire(type fire ?fire)))

    ;rule 13:
    (defrule on_fire
    (ck_fire(type fire ?fire& y)) ""
    (printout t crlf " please off windows firewall and if your problem still countinu please reapeat program"crlf))

    ;rule 14:
    (defrule off_fire
    (ck_fire(type fire ?fire& n)) ""
    (printout t "start - run - cmd - ping server ip"crlf"do you have ping ?(y or n):")
    (bind ?typenet (read))
    (assert (ck_set(type set ?type set)))

    ;rule 15:
    (defrule chk_set
    (type set ?set& y) ""
    (printout t crlf crlf crlf "Start - Control panel - Network - My network place"crlf
    "resorce darim(y/n)")
    (bind ?typeresource)
    (assert (check_resorce(type resource ?reorce)))

    ;rule 16:
    (defrule chk_resource(check_reource(type resource ?resorce)) ""
    (printout t crlf crlf"no resource"crlf)

  • Gary Riley

    Gary Riley - 2013-02-03

    Lots of syntax errors. It's hard to tell whether you're trying to create multiple facts or embed facts within other facts.


    (deftemplate type_network
    (slot number )
    (slot check_ip)
    (slot check_ping)
    (slot check_name)
    (slot check_address)
    (slot check_driver)
    (slot check_NIC)
    (slot check_setnet)
    (slot check_fire)
    (slot check_source)

    ;rule 1:

    (defrule basic ""
    (printout t "what is problem(software , hardware)? " crlf
    "1:Ip nadarim ?" crlf
    "2:etesal ghat mibashad ?" crlf
    "3:exit" crlf
    "choose 1-3 ->")
    (bind ?number(read))
    (assert (type_network(number ?number)))

    ;rule 2:
    (defrule chk_ip ""
    ?f <- (type_network (number ?number& 1) (check_ip ~n&~y))
    (printout t "start - control panel - network and sharing"crlf
    "check ip have ?(y or n)")
    (bind ?type_ip (read))
    (modify ?f (check_ip ?type_ip)))


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