
Forall quantifier facts order

  • vranoch

    vranoch - 2018-02-08

    Hello Gary,

    could You please explain me, why the following 2 rules behave differently (A fires and B does not) on the same facts? They differ just in the order of one fact.

    Thanks Vranoch

    (deffacts XY
        (LVAR LV-arr 1 "A")
        (LVAR LV-arr 1)
        (LVAR LV-arr 2 "B")
        (LVAR LV-arr 2)
        (LVAR LV-arr 3 "A")
        (LVAR LV-arr 3)
        (LVAR LV-arr 4 "A")
        (LVAR LV-arr 4)
        (IX X1 1)
    (defrule A ""
    ;       (LVAR LV-arr ?IX_1 )
            (IX X1 ?X1)
            (LVAR LV-arr ?IX_1 )
            (LVAR LV-arr ?X1 ?X1_var)
            (LVAR LV-arr ?IX_1 ?IX_1_var)
            (test (eq  ?X1_var ?IX_1_var))
        (printout t "FIRED - NEW" crlf)
    (defrule B ""
            (LVAR LV-arr ?IX_1 )
            (IX X1 ?X1)
    ;       (LVAR LV-arr ?IX_1 )
            (LVAR LV-arr ?X1 ?X1_var)
            (LVAR LV-arr ?IX_1 ?IX_1_var)
            (test (eq  ?X1_var ?IX_1_var))
        (printout t "FIRED - ORIG" crlf)
  • Gary Riley

    Gary Riley - 2018-02-09

    The forall conditional element is translated from

    (forall <CE-1>


    (not (and <CE-1>
              (not (and <CE-2>

    The first conditional element can't be exchanged with one of the other conditional elements without changing the logic. Consider the difference between these two statements:

    The team is ready if everyone who is playing has practiced.
    The team is ready if everyone who has practiced is playing.

  • vranoch

    vranoch - 2018-02-09

    OK, got it. Thanks Vranoch


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