
Executing car diagnosis in CLIPS - iOS version

  • Flavio

    Flavio - 2018-01-31

    Hi All,

    When I try to run the auto.clp example, I got the failed message described bellow.

    Defining deffunction: ask-question

    [EXPRNPSR3] auto.clp, Line 22: Missing function declaration for 'member'.

    (deffunction MAIN::ask-question
    (?question $?allowed-values)
    (printout t ?question)
    (bind ?answer (read))
    (if (lexemep ?answer)
    (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer)))
    (while (not (member

    Am I missing something?


  • Gary Riley

    Gary Riley - 2018-01-31

    If you replaced the 6.3 source code in the iOS examples with the 6.4 beta source code, several of the older CLIPS legacy functions have been removed. The function 'member$' should be used in place of 'member' in the auto.clp file, however I would suggest using the working 6.3 source until the iOS examples have been updated and tested with the 6.4 source code.

  • Flavio

    Flavio - 2018-02-03

    It worked! Thanks.

  • Lama Fouad Salloum

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to run this automotive diagnosis program but no response from clips, I don't know what's the wrong, I would love if anybody have answer
    This is the code:

    (deffunction ask-question (?question $?allowed-values)
    (printout t ?question)
    (bind ?answer (read))
    (if (lexemep ?answer)
    then (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer)))
    (while (not (member ?answer ?allowed-values)) do
    (printout t ?question)
    (bind ?answer (read))
    (if (lexemep ?answer)
    then (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer))))

    (deffunction yes-or-no-p (?question)
    (bind ?response (ask-question ?question yes no y n))
    (if (or (eq ?response yes) (eq ?response y))
    then yes
    else no))

    QUERY RULES * ;;;***

    (defrule determine-engine-state ""
    (not (engine-starts ?))
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (engine-starts (yes-or-no-p "Does the engine start (yes/no)? "))))

    (defrule determine-runs-normally ""
    (engine-starts yes)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (runs-normally (yes-or-no-p "Does the engine run normally (yes/no)? "))))

    (defrule determine-rotation-state ""
    (engine-starts no)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (engine-rotates (yes-or-no-p "Does the engine rotate (yes/no)? "))))

    (defrule determine-sluggishness ""
    (runs-normally no)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (engine-sluggish (yes-or-no-p "Is the engine sluggish (yes/no)? "))))

    (defrule determine-misfiring ""
    (runs-normally no)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (engine-misfires (yes-or-no-p "Does the engine misfire (yes/no)? "))))

    (defrule determine-knocking ""
    (runs-normally no)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (engine-knocks (yes-or-no-p "Does the engine knock (yes/no)? "))))

    (defrule determine-low-output ""
    (runs-normally no)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (engine-output-low
    (yes-or-no-p "Is the output of the engine low (yes/no)? "))))

    (defrule determine-gas-level ""
    (engine-starts no)
    (engine-rotates yes)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (tank-has-gas
    (yes-or-no-p "Does the tank have any gas in it (yes/no)? "))))

    (defrule determine-battery-state ""
    (engine-rotates no)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (battery-has-charge
    (yes-or-no-p "Is the battery charged (yes/no)? "))))

    (defrule determine-point-surface-state ""
    (or (and (engine-starts no)
    (engine-rotates yes))
    (engine-output-low yes))
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (point-surface-state
    (ask-question "What is the surface state of the points (normal/burned/contaminated)? "
    normal burned contaminated))))

    (defrule determine-conductivity-test ""
    (engine-starts no)
    (engine-rotates no)
    (battery-has-charge yes)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (conductivity-test-positive
    (yes-or-no-p "Is the conductivity test for the ignition coil positive (yes/no)? "))))

    ;;; REPAIR RULES * ;;;

    (defrule normal-engine-state-conclusions ""
    (runs-normally yes)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (repair "No repair needed.")))

    (defrule engine-sluggish ""
    (engine-sluggish yes)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (repair "Clean the fuel line.")))

    (defrule engine-misfires ""
    (engine-misfires yes)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (repair "Point gap adjustment.")))

    (defrule engine-knocks ""
    (engine-knocks yes)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (repair "Timing adjustment.")))

    (defrule tank-out-of-gas ""
    (tank-has-gas no)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (repair "Add gas.")))

    (defrule battery-dead ""
    (battery-has-charge no)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (repair "Charge the battery.")))

    (defrule point-surface-state-burned ""
    (point-surface-state burned)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (repair "Replace the points.")))

    (defrule point-surface-state-contaminated ""
    (point-surface-state contaminated)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (repair "Clean the points.")))

    (defrule conductivity-test-positive-yes ""
    (conductivity-test-positive yes)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (repair "Repair the distributor lead wire.")))

    (defrule conductivity-test-positive-no ""
    (conductivity-test-positive no)
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (repair "Replace the ignition coil.")))

    (defrule no-repairs ""
    (declare (salience -10))
    (not (repair ?))
    (assert (repair "Take your car to a mechanic.")))


    (defrule system-banner ""
    (declare (salience 10))
    (printout t crlf crlf)
    (printout t "The Engine Diagnosis Expert System")
    (printout t crlf crlf))

    (defrule print-repair ""
    (declare (salience 10))
    (repair ?item)
    (printout t crlf crlf)
    (printout t "Suggested Repair:")
    (printout t crlf crlf)
    (format t " %s%n%n%n" ?item))

    • Gary Riley

      Gary Riley - 2022-12-27

      If you're using CLIPS 6.4 and getting this error:

      [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'member'.

      Replace the call to member in the code with member$. The member function is deprecated and only available in versions prior to 6..4.


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