
Backward chaining reasoning

  • Flavio

    Flavio - 2018-02-03

    Hi Gary,

    I'm sorry if you have already posted it, but is there any roadmap to implement the backward chaining in this CLIPS distribution?

    I saw some implementations, such as Huyck's Implementation (, design examples (, and an ancient extended CLIPS implementation published by Peter V. Homeier and Thach C. Le (

    Moreover, do you have any tip about starting an expert system project involving backward reasoning and CLIPS-like logic structure language?

  • Gary Riley

    Gary Riley - 2018-02-06

    I have no short to mid term plans (in the next 3 to 5 years) for implementating backward chaining. There are multiple ways to implement backward chaining, so you would need to decide which method is most suitable to your needs. In addition to a literature review, you should also look at tools such as Jess and Drools to see if their implementation suits your needs. Here's a paper which describes a technique for implementing backward chaining in forward chaining languages:


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