
Performance metrics - embedded applications

St Ko
  • St Ko

    St Ko - 2020-08-11

    I embedd CLIPS into my native application with multiple facts (sensor values) and rules.
    For now I execute the rule engine via
    Run(rule_env, -1);
    after every fact modification. Facts will be modified if sensor values of the native environment change.
    The application works seemless. For the reason that I also write my thesis about this project I'm wondering if there are any metrics about the performance values and used algorithms.
    Is it true that is makes use of the rete algorithm?

    • Gary Riley

      Gary Riley - 2020-08-11

      CLIPS uses the rete algorithm. The waltz and manners benchmarks have been used in the past for benchmarks rule-based languages. You can find implementations of these for CLIPS here:


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