
SKQ Math Solver / News: Recent posts


v1.3 has been released.
not much else to say...

Posted by Toma 2010-09-14

Progress Update

There is going to be a renaming of this project's URL, so I'm waiting for the SF guys to modify it in their data base. Otherwise v1.21 and v1.3 are ready for launch.

Starting work on the alpha version of the REAL program.

Posted by Toma 2010-09-03

found smth

found a little bug...already.

it's been fixed (the duplicate variable thing).

too minor to change version to 1.21.

Posted by Toma 2010-08-18

v1.2 is here !

First of all, I've been featured on Softpedia ( !

I know it's not incredible, but it's the first milestone of this application.

What bothers me is that they have a completely s****y of it and don't seem to mention my disclaimers for v1.1.

That's why v1.2 is here, now with commands and a new impossible to break string validation.
But the biggest difference is the Source Code which is now available, along with the application, under the GNU GPL license.... read more

Posted by Toma 2010-08-18

Progress Update

I've been working on refining the current Demo build (v1.1).

Version 1.2 will have source code available and new string verification and a more accurate error reporting system.

Also planning a basic interface for v1.3.

After that I will start working on the first beta version meaning that I will have to rethink the whole structure of the program to make it more compatible with future upgrades.

Posted by Toma 2010-08-17

Demo v1 Released

After some polishing of the second build I hereby give you this demo to play with.

You must understand that this demo is of little importance and will not be considered prime bug fixing material.

Currently, I am working on the third build which will be much better organized in terms of coding and will have a lot more features.

Posted by Toma 2010-08-15

progress update

Development has hit a wall this week. I just can't concentrate, so I'm going to take a break and try doing something next week.

Posted by Toma 2010-08-06

future progress update

Going on vacation. Don't know if there'll be an internet connection @ the hotel. If I don't update within 3 days that means that there's no internet. This shouldn't delay progress on the app though.

Posted by Toma 2010-07-16

description of current situation

I managed to code a console version that only resolves additions and subtractions.
No OOP techniques used yet, I've got to brush up on how to apply those in C#.

Posted by Toma 2010-07-13


info so far:
-updated website construction page;
-app is in pre-alpha;
-very limited functionality;
-source code is messy as hell;
-very fragile app;

things to do (chronological order):
-make app harder to crash;
-release beta version 1;
-add more functionality;
-make source code less messy and release it along with beta version 2;

Posted by Toma 2010-07-13


Project blog will be updated soon with info about the sourceforge embedded apps' future use and the dev process .

Posted by Toma 2010-07-11