
Clever Ideas for Data / News: Recent posts

Lack of interest

Due to a complete lack of interest (i.e., no feedback ever) by downloaders over the years my overall efforts at SourceForge for this project are complete. Thanks for the good times. Even though my latest product OmniData appears to be similar to what has been done before, it is actually quite different and has already proven quite useful. I'm going off to explore and develop the OmniData product through means other than via SourceForge. Visit my new site sometime in the near future if you have any interest in what I've done in the past. Thanks.

Posted by Michael J. O'Neill 2007-05-23

Welcome to cleveridea4data

Our project name has changed to Clever Ideas for Data, reflecting our departure from an Oracle-centric product set. In line with this change, our project name has become cleveridea4data.

Posted by Michael J. O'Neill 2007-05-16

Released: plcodebrew-May2007a

This is an ultrasimplification of previous functionality. Three packages and one table and that's about it. I'm considering writing a white paper for Metalink on the exception handling features of this package.

This release is also a prelude to a huge wave of C# code that will be released shortly. From here on out, most volitile code will be C# projects that utilize all database platforms, not just Oracle through a series of frameworks.

Posted by Michael J. O'Neill 2007-05-08

CleverIdeasForOracle-september2006a released

cio_mail package is much improved. New functionality includes:

* text/* MIIME types of any kind (used to be plain text only)

* binary attachments (by blob)

* priority setting (important/not important)

There may or may not be another release coming in September.

Coming soon:

Converting cio_uthelper into an Oracle APEX-friendly application.

Final Note:
I've received no feedback to date. Please drop me a line at and let me know if this project has helped you in any way.

Posted by Michael J. O'Neill 2006-09-05

CleverIdeasForOracle-august2006c released

Added three new modules:

* cio_chrono - contains a cool function to find Easter Sunday. Future home of a bunch of legacy code lying around dealing with time, dates and such. Easter Sunday code is courtesy of Dizwell Informatics Wiki (

* cio_utility - generic catch-all module. has function to convert a comma-delimited list into a nested table and back (and it doesn't have to be a comma separator)... read more

Posted by Michael J. O'Neill 2006-08-23

CleverIdeasForOracle-august2006b released

Includes the very innovative exception handling framework that frees developers from raise_application_error forever.

Posted by Michael J. O'Neill 2006-08-21

Get the latest source via Subversion

I use TortoiseSVN which couldn't possibly make it easier.

Specific instructions available:

Source code for the next pending release is available under /trunk

Older source is available under /tags - if you need something old

If you want to join the project and make changes to the Subversion repository, send me a message via

Posted by Michael J. O'Neill 2006-08-19

CleverIdeasForOracle-august2006a released

Welcome back. This was my first release in years. This first release was intentionally modest.

The old plcodebrew file packages have been hidden. I'm retooling and re-releasing the components in that package to be more independent.

I have changed directions with this project. The focus will still be PL/SQL packages consumable by developers - but I've decided to get away from mod_plsql framework development as Apex already does this so much better.... read more

Posted by Michael J. O'Neill 2006-08-19