
#6 "Gooey" 1.6 New Features are Missing


These new features are missing:

| Remove First 7 and last 15 seconds of video
| Compress Video and re-encode to x265 with aac audio
| append .cleaned.mp4 to videos instead of moving into seperate directory

  • The beginning of the original video is removed including the first advertisement in the exact same manner as previous cleanvid versions. This is often longer than the first 7 seconds which includes the portion added by PlayOn.
  • The last 15 seconds of video is still there in the cleanvid output file. The last portion of the video added by PlayOn is always less than 15 seconds in my experience so removing 15 seconds will also remove ~5+ seconds of the original source video.
  • Do not see where the video is compressed or re-encoded. ffmpeg is instructed to -copy the input format and the output file with the latest version is within 100 KB of the output file size of previous cleanvid versions (e.g., v1.7)
  • The output file is moved to a separate directory called "cleaned" and there is no ".cleaned.mp4" appended to any filename. "separate" is also spelled incorrectly in the CHANGELOG.


  • Sarah

    Sarah - 2021-02-23

    I am closing this ticket because this error is related to ticket #7

  • Sarah

    Sarah - 2021-02-23
    • status: open --> closed

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