
#1 Installation and documentation


Hello mlenge,

Great to se an active cybercafe distro out there.

i have been using Mkahawa and Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04 for several years in my cybercafe.

Mkahawa has prove problematic with new flavours of Ubuntu and we are stuck at 12.04 (got to love those dependencies, libcis etc).

I have downloaded your file and se that you are using Cafe Con Leche. Is there any installation documentation, have installed one client and server but ata loss as to connectivity.

Thanks for any help rendered.


  • mlenge

    mlenge - 2015-10-23

    Hello Browwwser, and welcome to,

    For The Server:

    1. Change the IP Address of the server. Make it permanent. For the purpose of this discussion, we will assume it is

    2. That's it for the server. The client with user cleantimer is directed to connect to a server with ip

    For The Client that you want to point to a different server:

    1. Right click at the client icon.

    2. Click the "Desktop Entry" Tab.

    3. Modify the Command to be as follows:

    cclcfox -host -name net01

    You can replace the IP address with the one of your own.

    IF for some reason you want the server and client to connect WITHOUT secure layer, you can add -nossl to the command, so as it looks as follos,

    cclcfox -host -name net01 -nossl

    It is important to make sure that each client has different name. So, for the second client,

    cclcfox -host -name net02

    If you create a new system user, just create a new shortcut, with the command as follows:

    For client:
    cclcfox -host -name net01

    For the server:

    All the best,


  • mlenge

    mlenge - 2015-10-23

    By the way, I expect CleanTimer to allow compiling Mkahawa without a problem, should you want to replace Cafe Con Leche with Mkahawa.


    Last edit: mlenge 2015-10-23
  • browwwsers

    browwwsers - 2015-10-26

    Thanks for the assistance, installing today intandem with existing Mkahawa setup.

    I will let you know how it progresses.

  • browwwsers

    browwwsers - 2015-10-28

    Hello Mlenge,

    Having some trouble here.

    When I load the live CD I can see the Server and Cafe icon, if I install the image they disappear.

    I can turn off the client from the server when I adjust the IP settings but that is all - in the live version.

    Also what is the "New hostname" in the setup?

    What is the best time to message you?


  • mlenge

    mlenge - 2015-10-29

    Welcome back browwwsers and thank you for the updates.

    When I load the live CD I can see the Server and Cafe icon, if I install the image they disappear.

    This is because you have a new user account. What you can do then is to create new shortcuts at the desktop. But the server and and client software are already installed. In the next upgrade we will ensure new accounts also have server and cafe desktop icons.

    You can start the server by running cclfox

    I can turn off the client from the server when I adjust the IP settings but that is all - in the live version.

    What about giving time to the clients?

    Make sure BOTH the server and the clients are either running with SSL or without, but not a mixture. If there is -nossl option in starting up the clients, then the server has also to be started with -nossl option, i.e, cclfox -nossl

    By default, the icons in launches the server and the clients WITH SSL option enabled.

    Also what is the "New hostname" in the setup?

    This is the name of the computer in the network. The hostname of this distribution defaults to cleantimer. It is good to differentiate computer names in a local network.

    What is the best time to message you?

    There will be a lag of time about one day (maximum) between messages posted and when I am able to see them. But for around the time I post this, plus eight or more hours later, the lag should be short.

    Again, feel free to send a message at any time, and we promise to respond.



    Last edit: mlenge 2015-10-29
  • browwwsers

    browwwsers - 2015-11-04

    Hello again,

    Could you please outline the procedure to launch the client. If there is a step by step manual it would assist greatly.

    Also do I have to kep launching the server via terminal or is there ascript that i can implement.

    How do I ascertain/modify nossl, will the ssl cause read/write access for data transfer to a main computer or printing to be read only?

    I am also having difficulty assigning buttons for the timer when I set the tariff.

    Thanks again.

  • mlenge

    mlenge - 2015-11-07

    Hello browwwsers,

    Thank you for the nice review.

    Procedure to launch the client.

    Short version:
    You can just launch the cafe client the same way you launch mkahawa client. Just substitute mkahawa with cclcfox.

    Long version:
    While you can start the client by using commandline or by clicking a desktop shortcut icon, it is better to let the client autostart when the computer boots. Steps:

    Step 1:

    Click the Start menu >>Preferences>>Default applications for LXSession

    Step 2:

    On the left-most tab, you will see some options. Click Autostart

    Step 3:
    Just below where it is written Manual autostarted applications there is a textbox. Put there the command to launch the client. E.g., cclcfox -host -name net01 -nossl

    Replace the ip address and client name with relevant details. To simplify things, we will use the -nossl option for BOTH the clients and the server.

    Step 4:

    Click the Add button which is to the left of the textbox.

    Procedure to launch the server.
    At the server computer you can repeat step 1 and step 2, while modifying step 3 command to be cclfox -nossl . Then do step 4.

    You can also create a shortcut at the desktop and put command as cclfox -nossl

    Alternatively, you can paste the following text into a text-editor:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Cafe Server
    Exec=cclfox -nossl

    And save it to the desktop as cafeserver.desktop



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