
Development has moved to

Development has moved to Go there for the latest version.

The CLE266 driver will be part of DirectFB 0.9.20 but you can download the development version from the CVS repository.

Instructions (level: CVS newbie)

This is how you download ("check out") DirectFB from the CVS repository at

Execute these commands in your shell:

cvs -d login
cvs -d co DirectFB

When asked for a password, just hit Enter.

The first download may take a while if you're on a slow connection. Subsequent downloads will be faster if you check out the later version on top of the older, since only the modified files will be fetched.

If you only want to update the CLE266 driver, after you have downloaded all of DirectFB, do this:

First make sure you are in the parent of the DirectFB directory. Then write

cvs -d co DirectFB/gfxdrivers/cle266

Posted by Andreas Robinson 2003-10-05

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